Well, today's my surgery. I get to have one of these clever graft things put in my right arm.
Damn, I'm nervous! Looks like the doctor is actually going to have to handle an artery and a vein. That sounds like such a delicate procedure! One slip, and who knows what could happen.
Not only that, but if you refer to said picture, you can see that this will mean needles during dialysis. Two needles. Four hours a day or so. Three days a week. True, this will mean better treatment, and less risk of infections. But, I have heard of people getting graft infections, and getting injured by the needles. And, I am NOT a needle person. Damn, this is all making me so nervous!
I sure wish the doctor would give me something to calm my little nerves, because I'm definitely nervous.
I hope I'm back tomorrow, but in case not, I love you. I'm supposed to be back to normal by tomorrow night...all other things being equal. So, I should be back here then. Fair warning, though: I'll probably be somewhat loopy from whatever painkillers I'm on. That's just a semi-educated guess.
On the plus side, this is supposed to be the week I find out if my potential donor is a match. I still haven't heard from him yet. But I did hear from one more possible donor. So, we'll see.
Damn, I'm nervous about this graft surgery!
I'll let you know tomorrow how it went---so that should give us both something to look forward to!! ;-)