Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Six years ago today...

Not that it's the best thing to remember, but in my story of "Project Jerry", it's one of the many pieces of the puzzle, if you will.
Six years ago today, I was in the kitchen, in this house in fact, with Mup watching me intently. I was already stressed out over something or other, and on top of that, Jerry was still missing after four weeks. So, I snapped. I was crying, and I told Mup, "Jerry's dead. They cut his head off." I have NO idea why I said that!!! I really don't. That was what my biggest fear was, I suppose...that someone might have actually done that to my little Jerry...Mup's triplet brother. Then, altogether too swiftly, I held a kitchen knife to my wrist. I didn't put it through my wrist, but God knows I felt like doing so. Looking at Mup, who was studying me, was what stopped me. Otherwise, who knows...I wouldn't have lived to be on dialysis for two years and nearly lose my life to peritonitis or dehydration or whatever. I wouldn't have lived to have my wonderful figure back (you'll just have to wait till I put that picture of me in a tiger suit up here, if you don't believe that one!!! I look SO HOT in that tiger suit!! PURRRRRRRR!!)
Of course, two days later, my Jerry was returned to me. Thank God for that miracle!!! So...never, ever underestimate the power of prayer! That's the lesson in all of that!
By the'd better not bring me bad luck, the way I quoted what I told Mup, six years ago today. Damn, if anything happens to my little Jerry, or to his siblings, because I put that in writing...
Know what??? As I said, never underestimate the power of let's keep my furbabies in our prayers!!! Thank you soooo much!