I was going to do this a week or so ago, but got sidetracked. Forgive me.
So, here's the latest as far as how painfully long my wait for a kidney transplant is getting to be.
July 16th, will be my next "procedure". The doctor will look and be sure there’s not too much scar tissue to put another "PD" catheter in. To refresh your memory, "PD"=peritoneal dialysis. Scar tissue, of course, from all the previous surgeries: the first "PD" catheter, the stomach repair last year due to a perforated ulcer... If there’s not too much scar tissue, I'll of course get another "PD" catheter, and hopefully be starting "PD" again. If there IS too much scar tissue, I'd have to get another graft in one of my arms, and once again, be a "one-arm" wonder.
But, you know, to be honest, NEITHER of those two options sounds like it has much to do with improving my QUALITY of life...just the QUANTITY, or LENGTH, of my life. I see NO reward in doing "PD" again, and having my stomach bloated from the "PD" fluid. The only two pluses to that are that I'll have less fluid and dietary restrictions, and I'll be able to do heavy lifting and car repairs as needed. And, of course, if I have to have another damn graft, I'll (again) end up losing all productive use of one of my arms, and that is DEFINITELY NOT my idea of an improved quality of life!!!!
No matter how hard things get medically, this "handywoman" isn't going to be kept down. Tomorrow (I mean, later today--Tuesday) is an early day; gotta get my truck washed and waxed before 10 am. (New water conservation thing; due to a water shortage, we can only wash our cars Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, before 10 am or after 6 pm). Personally, since I have to wear my hair-washing smock to wash the truck, I'd rather take care of it in the A.M., because later there'll be too many people out who would get a good laugh out of the smock, without understanding that it's all because of that damn dialysis catheter that's not allowed to get wet!!
So, I guess what I'm saying is, I'm back to putting out signals, so that maybe someone will be caring enough to be my donor...asking and expecting NOTHING in return, because I essentially have nothing left to give other than my thanks and appreciation!!
To any reader I might have, I thank you for your time, and I love you more than you know!! (oops...that last part there reminded me of a song. Bobby, you’re getting to me again!!)
As I said, tomorrow I have to get up early and do the "truck wash" thing, so...
Good night, sweethearts, wherever and whomever you are!!
Ta-ta for now...
Best wishes, and again, I love you!