I must have misunderstood my doctor. I thought he wanted me to have four more blood cultures drawn! Nope. Just the one set of cultures that were drawn last Monday has to go through at least four different tests for infection. If all of them are negative, which they are so far, and the last test will be on Monday, Apr. 20th...if that's also negative, I get to call and schedule my transplant!!!!!!!
Believe me, I'm thrilled, even if I don't sound like it!!
So, once again, Apr. 20th proves to be a lucky day for me.
Two years ago on that day, I had the "PD" catheter put in. That's the same "PD" catheter that had to come out last May when I had peritonitis and a perforated ulcer.
WOW!! So I could be getting a Cinco de Mayo transplant after all!!! Or, maybe even BEFORE May 1st!!!! YES!!!
Damn, I'm thrilled!!!
And I love how Apr. 20th seems to bring me such good luck...especially, ESPECIALLY, this year!!! ;-)
Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday to you!!....(if you're about to have a birthday, I trust you know who you are; that's for you)
Well...gotta get ready to take the car out to Kirtland (which is about 13 miles west of Chardon).