See??? I TOLD ya I had a row of staples like that!!!!!
That's from one year ago today, was my surgery. May 11, 2008. That was Mother's Day,too...so SOMEONE must have given a damn about me, to think putting my stomach back together was not only an emergency, but an emergency worth interrupting someone's Mother's Day!!!
Think about THAT for a minute!!
So, as I was saying, I can definitely relate to having a row of staples like that. Whaddya say...Oy, vey!!!!!!!!!
As I recall well, it was painful as hell, too. I also felt like a damn piece of paper, with all those staples (23 or 24 altogether, if I remember right).
If it wasn't for the Percocet, which I took the maximum dose prescribed of, I think I would have been either crying, or ready to...I don't even know what. To this day, Percocet is the only painkiller that does any good for me when I can't take Excedrin. (FYI) I'm not saying that Percocet is the way for EVERYONE to go, but it works for me.
Now...one more pic.
At one time, my blog here was called http://vlsisuzurodeols.blogspot.com/, if you remember. Here's the car for which I had named it originally. I no longer own it, but I am in San Diego, visiting the owner, who is probably my best friend. So the other thing is, this proves that I'm "afk" this week, and possibly longer, as I do wish I had never left here.
I'll have some cat pictures when I come back, but at the moment, it looks like it's time to call it a night...and being in San Diego, at least I won't feel like being up till 4 AM.
Ta-ta, again, for now! ;-)