Typing has been quite a challenge since my surgery on Wednesday. But, it’s a challenge that I’ve chosen to take on, to a point…I couldn’t hope to do too much typing with my arm getting both sore and numb at the same time. Thanks to the Percocet, the soreness doesn’t last…but it feels like it’s perpetually asleep. This is unnerving. Typing, and driving even, are challenges. However, they’re challenges that I want to take on. I could NEVER live without typing, or driving…that is, except when I was told I couldn’t drive because I was still coming out of the anesthetic. Other than that, it’s my preference to drive.
My arm is still bruised and swollen at this moment. I can’t believe I had this graft put in!! I can’t believe I went through with it!
As long as my nurse really does have a good sedative to give me, so I don’t mind the needles as much as I would otherwise, I guess it’ll be somewhat tolerable…I’m sure I’ll still mind the needles—just not quite as much if I’m mildly sedated.
And, as long as this graft—when ready to use—really means less infections. If it’s really worth all the trouble, then I’m glad I went through with it.
However, I’ll definitely miss being able to, say, work on cars like I used to. Oh, I might be able to do an oil change, if invited to…but some of the other work I used to do on cars, I guess, will be out of the question. RATS!!
The question is, will I ever play the drums again??? No, I never did before…but I could have, if I had the chance. Now, I must ask, can I ever???
My little Muppet had two teeth extracted on Friday. She was such a good sport. She came home in the evening, after being at the vet’s all day. Within this next month, I have to get Tony & Jerry in for their dental cleanings.
I’m glad our surgeries are behind us…but I sure miss having full use of my right arm! I’m told I’ll regain use of it after a few weeks, except heavy lifting; I hope so!!!!
OK, my arm is starting to go numb again.
Before I close, I want to say one more thing. Last night, I had a dream that I got a call from someone to let me know that my potential donor was a match!!! So, that would have meant—if I’d really gotten that call—that I’d be getting a transplant pretty soon! I’m afraid THAT call only came to me in my dream….but, sometimes my dreams come true. That’s why I’m working on NEVER having ANY nightmares—EVER.
One more thing—it’s February 1st. One year ago today, I tried to go back on peritoneal dialysis, after being on hemodialysis for about two months. One year ago today was the first day of three of the longest months of my life, as going back on “PD” did NOT go well at all. I got severely dehydrated, my blood pressure went way down, and I got peritonitis right away. However, it would be another three months before we found out WHY I kept getting peritonitis. (Perforated ulcer, from too much ibuprofen) That's why I'm back on hemodialysis; once you have peritonitis twice, they figure you can't be on "PD" anymore at all.
Oh, and by the way---I’m sure—positive, even—that I can travel with this arm. Then again, by the time I’m ready to travel, it’ll be all healed up beautifully, so no need to worry. Just thought I’d mention it. There’s not a medical condition, or treatment, yet that could keep THIS woman from traveling!