I will have to stay on the "PD" machine for 9 hours a night, but that's a small chunk of my time compared to what hemo. has been. And, I can do it at home, so I'll be my own nurse. Any mistakes made, I can give myself forty lashes with a wet tail (let me try to put a picture of that up; last time I tried to put a picture on here, it didn't work; hang on.)

OK...THAT tail. (TOLD ya I look hot in that tiger suit)
Anyway...so, that's where I was most of yesterday: having a medical procedure, and being kind of "loopsy" on anesthesia and painkillers. I'm still a little "loopsy" on painkillers, but I think the anesthesia finally wore off.
I could've strangled my dialysis technician today. I had to race over to Costco Pharmacy to get my meds after treatment. Naturally, that didn't dawn on her, as she disconnected me 10 minutes later than I had expected, and then took another 10 minutes to change my dressing. So then, I had to race over to Costco, getting there with two minutes to spare. Thankfully, the two pharmacy clerks were still there. They'd closed off the pick-up window, but when I ran up to them as fast as I could, short of breath, and begged them to please let me get my meds, they did. Bless their hearts. They were very good to me.
Either way you slice it, dialysis is full of sacrifices and a lower quality of life. That must be why I'm praying with all my heart that I'll live to get a transplant, before I go completely nuts.
Oh, wait....I might already be completely nuts. Any woman who runs around the house in a tiger suit, just to blend in with the cats.... Awwwwwwwwww, let me have that one little bit of understandable insanity, please, thanks.
I warned you. A little while ago, I said I was "loopsy". Forgive my rambling.
And, that's the latest around here.
I'm kind of stressed out, too.
I WANT very much to be given THIS car...beautiful paint, very little rust.
BUT, I'm afraid I might be given THIS car back...damn flimsy paint, more rust than on most 14-year-old SUV's... Although I've put a lot into it already ($700 tires; $300 shocks; had most of the front end re-done, even did some of the work myself), I think I can part with it, considering I'd be spending another five years just taking all the rust off and painting it...
So, I'm kind of stressed. My "sweetheart" is kind of stressed. When it's all said and done, it's nice to be able to come here and vent my spleen a little, so forgive me.
Gotta go for now.
Have a LOVELY weekend!!!
Good night, sweetheart, good night, and ta-ta, for now!!