But, in case so, my birthday wishes will have reached him.
Happy Birthday, Bobby Jameson, and many, many more!!
My itinerary for tomorrow includes scheduling my transplant, and making an extra special birthday cake...I think I'll write, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RPJ" on it. That way there'll be room for it all.
Once I have a picture of said cake on my computer, I'll post it up here.
But for now, here's my birthday message to you.
Love ya!!
As promised, here's that cake.
By the way: I called to schedule my transplant, but by the time I got home, it was almost 4:00, so I ended up leaving a voice mail. I'll give it a couple days. If, by Wednesday, my call isn't returned, I'll call again. But yes, I did try to schedule today, so things once again are moving forward. Bobby, you've brought me nothing but good luck on the transplant front ever since we met. Thanks!!
Now...here's the cake. Note: I NEVER said my cake lettering was of professional quality!!! That, I never promised. All that I can promise is that you'll be able to read it.
Have a lovely, lovely rest of your birthday!!