Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good news...sort of

So "Project Jerry", for me, seemed to trigger my health problems.
Let me back-track again, though. I had been diagnosed with PKD in 1987. I did nothing whatsoever to bring that about. It was a complete surprise, and to this day, I couldn't explain it if I tried.
Good news--sort of. My phosphorus level is back down to a relatively normal level. It pays to take my phosphate binders.
But, my potassium level is still high. DAMN! I told the dietician, wouldn't it be great if there was such a thing as potassium binders...I'd be all over such a thing in a heartbeat, if there was such a thing!
The thing with potassium is, if it's either too high OR too low, it can cause heart problems. So I'd do well, I guess, to watch that.
Just think...once I get a transplant, I'll not only be nice and thin again, but also, all my levels will go back down to where they should be.
Oh, the other thing...treatment today left me with a slight headache. Since I took Excedrin before I left, I can only think of one explanation for that: "analgesic rebound." That's gotta be behind this headache. I'm not even tachycardiac this time, so I can't blame that.
That's the other thing. I've now heard of, and had plenty of, dialysis-related headaches. But I've NEVER heard of a transplant-related headache! So I can presume I'll be at least slightly more comfortable then...
That said, I'm going to catch a quick kitty nap, and then I'll be back later.


Joyful Mother said...

When my potassium got to high I had to take some nasty tasting powder/mixed with water that got it lowered. I think it kinda works the same way...but you don't want to take it everyday.

VickyLou said...

Twice last year, I had to drink something that looked--and tasted--like medicated coffee. Does that sound like what you had to take? For sure, you don't want to take it every day...and the second time I had to take it, I asked for PLENTY of sweetener...sugar, Equal, anything.