Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill looking for a type A or type O kidney

2008 was the year from hell, if I can be completely honest about it.
I had infection after infection. The dialysis catheter would stop working. I had at least two catheters in the first six months--and I think three or four in the last half of the year. It gets old after a while.
In February of 2008, I tried to go back on Peritoneal dialysis, which I had been on before the nephrectomy. Didn't go too well at all. I had peritonitis before too very long at all. My first sign was a headache, dizziness and passing out. I'd heard about people passing out before, but that was my first taste of what it was actually like. Not good. It was kind of like falling asleep standing up, and when you come back to, you have to try to remember where you just were and how you got where you are when you come to. I could now act the part very well if I had to, as I've been there in real life. After a week in the hospital, the peritonitis still wasn't cleared up, and my blood pressure went back down faster than it had gone back up. (when I say "down", I mean, like, 44/33. I think that was one reading I got...and the triage nurse told me I was "not dead yet").
In May, the cause of the peritonitis was determined finally: a perforated ulcer. I had to have surgery to have my stomach put back together, as the ulcer had gone right through. And, I had to go back on hemodialysis. I don't mind that it gives me somewhere to go and something to do three days a week, but sometimes I have other things I would prefer to do on my "on" days--like visit with family. Then, it's nothing but a PAIN. And at least I don't have to be tied to the machine for 9 hours a night like on PD.
HOWEVER--I had six hospital stays during 2008--all of which were about a week long, and one of which caused me to lose a part-time position I had gotten as a secretary. That taught me to try to work during all this B.S.!!!! So here I am doing nothing again, and it's driving me f--ing nuts!!!!
So, as I was saying, it's been a hell of a year for me. Not able to work outside the home. Barely able to do more than laundry inside the home. And boy, have I ever been depressed this year!!! I have a project I am working on when I can bring myself to do it. I was going to send some adorable little Christmas presents out to everyone, with the message "Donate Life". But here it is, January 7, and I'm still working on it!!!
Oh, wait a sec. I was going to tell you about THE REST of my life too. The part I couldn't put in my bio. because there wasn't enough room.
OK then. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, but am beginning to miss California a lot, although I'm with family here. I have dabbled in music before; what almost seems like a previous life. At one time, I played the violin, the viola, and even the keyboard (sort of). I should've stuck to the viola. I could've made a career out of it. Oh well.
And, I have three wonderful cats. Tony, Jerry, and Muppet are the loves of my life. They're 7 years old, and have been mine since Day One. And I know that they want me to find a kidney donor sooner than later so that I'll be able to keep taking care of them and giving them quality time.
Thanks for reading again. Know what? I feel another headache coming on and must get some Excedrin. Hope I don't get hooked on Excedrin again!!

1 comment:

Bobby Jameson said...

Vicky, I just read your blog and wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. As someone who has been in physical pain for 11 years I know what it's like to try and keep your head up. Each day I fight to go on hoping that an answer will come. I know that what I'm saying are only words but they're all I've got to give you. I will be thinking of you from now on and seeing you as having your need met,

Bobby Jameson