I really am loving it here, in San Diego, and am hoping I can stay permanently--not just till Aug. 29, which is the current plan. Boy would I ever love to make it permanent!!! I missed it here!!!
Let's see...
Here's some kitty pics.
The first is my Tony & Jerry--taken in Cleveland last September.
The second is me and Mup, taken here--in San Diego--in Dec. 2006. This picture was in this computer all of this time; I almost forgot it but was browsing through my pictures on here the other night and ran into this one, and I'm glad I did!! My kidneys only had about 11% function left, and I hadn't started dialysis yet...so technically, I should be healthier now, even though I have no kidneys and need dialysis to stay alive.
(That reminds me, I'm supposed to be networking and trying to find a living donor that can actually BE my donor!!!!)
The third picture is actually, physically, my favorite car in the whole world!!!! With Lexus wheels...however the front ones had to come off, as they were too big. But THAT is my favorite car in the whole world!!! Really...I've driven it many times before...and I just gave it a new radio. That was the least I could do. Oh, and in the background, is my Isuzu....you know...as in, http://www.vlsisuzurodeols.blogspot.com/, which of course is now this here. It's all coming back to me. I had started this blog to not only look for a kidney donor, but also to come out in the open with...WHY are there no more Isuzu dealers??? WHY must Isuzu owners go over to Honda and pretend like they own a Honda Passport???? WHY couldn't Isuzu have stayed in the U.S.???? I was going to explore that...but then got sidetracked with a nephrectomy and too much dialysis...etc., etc., etc.
Picture #4 is Cousin. He's the possible cousin of my three little angels. Maybe you can see the family resemblance. Like my little angels, he's a very sweet and friendly kitty. He lets me pet him and everything.
Oh, and picture #5....my teeth. Why???? Because I've been reunited with my retainer!!!!! Hell, I still remember it cost me $800 to have my bottom teeth straightened...might as well cherish my retainer now that I'm back with it!!!
Honest, being in San Diego is really doing me good. My blood pressure hasn't dropped like it did all the time in Cleveland. I'm not gaining weight; I hope I'm losing weight (slowly of course). And I'm not tachycardiac! All in all, I'd say my body loves California just as much as my spirit does. But in Cleveland, I was beginning to lose spirit...
OK; back to the pictures.
Ta-Ta for now! ;-)
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