I was going to do this a week or so ago, but got sidetracked. Forgive me.
So, here's the latest as far as how painfully long my wait for a kidney transplant is getting to be.
July 16th, will be my next "procedure". The doctor will look and be sure there’s not too much scar tissue to put another "PD" catheter in. To refresh your memory, "PD"=peritoneal dialysis. Scar tissue, of course, from all the previous surgeries: the first "PD" catheter, the stomach repair last year due to a perforated ulcer... If there’s not too much scar tissue, I'll of course get another "PD" catheter, and hopefully be starting "PD" again. If there IS too much scar tissue, I'd have to get another graft in one of my arms, and once again, be a "one-arm" wonder.
But, you know, to be honest, NEITHER of those two options sounds like it has much to do with improving my QUALITY of life...just the QUANTITY, or LENGTH, of my life. I see NO reward in doing "PD" again, and having my stomach bloated from the "PD" fluid. The only two pluses to that are that I'll have less fluid and dietary restrictions, and I'll be able to do heavy lifting and car repairs as needed. And, of course, if I have to have another damn graft, I'll (again) end up losing all productive use of one of my arms, and that is DEFINITELY NOT my idea of an improved quality of life!!!!
No matter how hard things get medically, this "handywoman" isn't going to be kept down. Tomorrow (I mean, later today--Tuesday) is an early day; gotta get my truck washed and waxed before 10 am. (New water conservation thing; due to a water shortage, we can only wash our cars Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, before 10 am or after 6 pm). Personally, since I have to wear my hair-washing smock to wash the truck, I'd rather take care of it in the A.M., because later there'll be too many people out who would get a good laugh out of the smock, without understanding that it's all because of that damn dialysis catheter that's not allowed to get wet!!
So, I guess what I'm saying is, I'm back to putting out signals, so that maybe someone will be caring enough to be my donor...asking and expecting NOTHING in return, because I essentially have nothing left to give other than my thanks and appreciation!!
To any reader I might have, I thank you for your time, and I love you more than you know!! (oops...that last part there reminded me of a song. Bobby, you’re getting to me again!!)
As I said, tomorrow I have to get up early and do the "truck wash" thing, so...
Good night, sweethearts, wherever and whomever you are!!
Ta-ta for now...
Best wishes, and again, I love you!
When I was trying to find a kidney donor, I decided to share some experiences that I had that were related to my painfully time on dialysis. On Sep. 1, 2010, I finally received a living-donor transplant. I still want to use this blog to let you know a bit about my personal history. I sincerely hope that you'll read, and get to know me a little. I will also tell you about my wonderful cats from time to time, so please...read on. Thank you!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
What a week~~~~
I remember hearing of four icons leaving us this week.
Kind of leaves me to ponder...life is so fragile, and so short.
Too short to hold grudges...too short to be upset...too short for a lot of things.
If it weren't for that nuisance dialysis machine, just think, I wouldn't be alive either.
Forgive me for pondering. It's been a long week.
I've been busy. My sweetheart finally found my spare cable, for my transmission!! I may be back in business now, and can take on this transmission overhaul so my sweet little Isuzu can be running again.
This week, I've started doing cosmetic work on said Isuzu...After all, how exactly could I ever drag it to nice places like Coronado, or Carlsbad, or Encinitas, with it looking so trashed that people would probably chase me out for having too trashy a car??? So, I decided it was time to get it cleaned up, like I used to keep it before I left. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh, it's good to be back alright!!!!!!
Unfortunately, some car covers were kept in there, although they'd been sprayed by some of the cats...so I'm deodorizing like it was going out of style. My favorites are Resolve, any kind of Resolve, and any brand of Fresh Linen and/or Powder Fresh. I hope I can get that cat spray scent outta there once and for all!! Not to mention, my tool bag got sprayed, so I had to wash it and deodorize it, and I still smell cat spray on it. One thing: the smell of cat spray is TOUGH to get rid of. But for an upscale SUV, I'd hardly say that's the smell I want to have to put up with while I'm driving!!
I'm rambling now. Sorry!!
Geez....a "handywoman" has to have a little fun once in a while. Again, forgive me!
Whatever this weekend brings us, I hope it brings you only the absolute best!!!!
Namaste, as usual....and ta-ta, for now...and, at 1:12AM West Coast time, Sleep Well!!!!
Kind of leaves me to ponder...life is so fragile, and so short.
Too short to hold grudges...too short to be upset...too short for a lot of things.
If it weren't for that nuisance dialysis machine, just think, I wouldn't be alive either.
Forgive me for pondering. It's been a long week.
I've been busy. My sweetheart finally found my spare cable, for my transmission!! I may be back in business now, and can take on this transmission overhaul so my sweet little Isuzu can be running again.
This week, I've started doing cosmetic work on said Isuzu...After all, how exactly could I ever drag it to nice places like Coronado, or Carlsbad, or Encinitas, with it looking so trashed that people would probably chase me out for having too trashy a car??? So, I decided it was time to get it cleaned up, like I used to keep it before I left. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh, it's good to be back alright!!!!!!
Unfortunately, some car covers were kept in there, although they'd been sprayed by some of the cats...so I'm deodorizing like it was going out of style. My favorites are Resolve, any kind of Resolve, and any brand of Fresh Linen and/or Powder Fresh. I hope I can get that cat spray scent outta there once and for all!! Not to mention, my tool bag got sprayed, so I had to wash it and deodorize it, and I still smell cat spray on it. One thing: the smell of cat spray is TOUGH to get rid of. But for an upscale SUV, I'd hardly say that's the smell I want to have to put up with while I'm driving!!
I'm rambling now. Sorry!!
Geez....a "handywoman" has to have a little fun once in a while. Again, forgive me!
Whatever this weekend brings us, I hope it brings you only the absolute best!!!!
Namaste, as usual....and ta-ta, for now...and, at 1:12AM West Coast time, Sleep Well!!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Million $$ Ideas
OK, let me rephrase that: POTENTIAL million $$ ideas.
I'll tell you a little about the first one, and then I'll have to say goodnight, as it's midnight already, and I'm getting tired.
Now, to understand my first idea, you've gotta understand that people on hemodialysis have dietary restrictions that are difficult to stick to.
That said, it's no wonder that high phosphorus and high potassium can be a problem.
There are phosphate binders, however, that can bring the phosphorus level down.
BUT...there is no potassium binder.
Let me correct myself: there is no potassium binder that comes in a pill or a capsule!!
There IS, apparently (I know this from Googling "potassium binders"), a potassium binder that I presume is like what I had to take a couple of times when I was in the hospital, which was a liquid and looked and tasted much like medicated coffee (BLECH!!!!!!!!!).
Well, I'm sure the rest of us dialysis patients would agree...ENOUGH of that junk!! Let's work on coming up with a potassium binder that we don't have to taste, because it would be in pill form and/or capsule form.
Then, we'd also have a little more leeway in our diets, which would be wonderful...like 7th heaven, almost.
Come to think of it: how about a water-binder, for those of us who so desperately need a water-binder to bring our swelling down when we O.D. on water?????? Think of that, too!
I have more ideas to put up here... Hey, this one had to do with some of my own trials and tribulations during this long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long (ka-CHUNK!) wait for a kidney transplant here.
At this point, it's time for me to go see about getting some beauty rest, so...
Many positive vibes to you, and,
Good night, sweetheart, good night, and,
POOF...till I sneak back in here.
I'll tell you a little about the first one, and then I'll have to say goodnight, as it's midnight already, and I'm getting tired.
Now, to understand my first idea, you've gotta understand that people on hemodialysis have dietary restrictions that are difficult to stick to.
That said, it's no wonder that high phosphorus and high potassium can be a problem.
There are phosphate binders, however, that can bring the phosphorus level down.
BUT...there is no potassium binder.
Let me correct myself: there is no potassium binder that comes in a pill or a capsule!!
There IS, apparently (I know this from Googling "potassium binders"), a potassium binder that I presume is like what I had to take a couple of times when I was in the hospital, which was a liquid and looked and tasted much like medicated coffee (BLECH!!!!!!!!!).
Well, I'm sure the rest of us dialysis patients would agree...ENOUGH of that junk!! Let's work on coming up with a potassium binder that we don't have to taste, because it would be in pill form and/or capsule form.
Then, we'd also have a little more leeway in our diets, which would be wonderful...like 7th heaven, almost.
Come to think of it: how about a water-binder, for those of us who so desperately need a water-binder to bring our swelling down when we O.D. on water?????? Think of that, too!
I have more ideas to put up here... Hey, this one had to do with some of my own trials and tribulations during this long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long (ka-CHUNK!) wait for a kidney transplant here.
At this point, it's time for me to go see about getting some beauty rest, so...
Many positive vibes to you, and,
Good night, sweetheart, good night, and,
POOF...till I sneak back in here.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm 39! I'm 39!
Hey...remember...this is the birthday girl's blog. So, you get to put up with hearing what a wonderful birthday I had with my sweetheart!!
We spent most of the day in Coronado. We had breakfast--best birthday breakfast I can remember--at Stretch's Cafe, in Coronado, just a few doors down from the Petco where I once helped PAWS of Coronado with a fundraising event for cats. They're closing down that Petco, by the way. Kind of sad to see that. Now PAWS will have to use either the Chula Vista Petco, or the one on Sports Arena Blvd. Geez. Then, we went to the two thrift stores out there. At one of them is a kitty who looks like my three, and also like Cousin. His name is Thruster. Thruster is very friendly, and possibly older, but not by much. My guess is he's about 10 or 11. Very sweet little guy. I loved being in Coronado so much of my special day...and, with my sweetheart. That made it all worth it.
This evening, we went to Fry's Electronics...another place we used to go that I missed like nobody's business when I was in Cleveland vegetating for a year and a half!!! After that, we went to Pick Up Stix.
It's now 11:17pm, so almost time to see about getting some beauty rest.
Thanks for wondering how my birthday was.
Good night, ta-ta for now, and...POOF!
We spent most of the day in Coronado. We had breakfast--best birthday breakfast I can remember--at Stretch's Cafe, in Coronado, just a few doors down from the Petco where I once helped PAWS of Coronado with a fundraising event for cats. They're closing down that Petco, by the way. Kind of sad to see that. Now PAWS will have to use either the Chula Vista Petco, or the one on Sports Arena Blvd. Geez. Then, we went to the two thrift stores out there. At one of them is a kitty who looks like my three, and also like Cousin. His name is Thruster. Thruster is very friendly, and possibly older, but not by much. My guess is he's about 10 or 11. Very sweet little guy. I loved being in Coronado so much of my special day...and, with my sweetheart. That made it all worth it.
This evening, we went to Fry's Electronics...another place we used to go that I missed like nobody's business when I was in Cleveland vegetating for a year and a half!!! After that, we went to Pick Up Stix.
It's now 11:17pm, so almost time to see about getting some beauty rest.
Thanks for wondering how my birthday was.
Good night, ta-ta for now, and...POOF!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Aaaaaaaahhhhhh...Tomorrow, I'll be "39 and holding"!
Hi...from tomorrow's birthday girl!
I apologize profusely for mentioning my birthday more than once, after I told you I didn't want to toot my own horn. Sowwy!!
But...I'm now just hours away from the big day, so....(Toot-toot!)
I'm just about 39!! If I live even just four more hours, even if that's all I have left, I'll still have lived to be 39!!! YES!!! I thought I'd never get to say that. I am sure that some people couldn't care less...but I've made it this far thanks to dialysis...and family and friends (i.e., my sweetheart)!!
I was going to re-post a very special song on here, but I see that the Blogger won't let me do that now. I had it up here on April 16th; I guess you can check my archives to see it, and enjoy.
Last year, I requested "Vicky My Love" (The Cascades) on my birthday, so it kind of became my unofficial birthday song...but from that moment forward, I was made to feel sorry that I had a birthday. Not this year. No mas. I'm requesting nothing other than a little respect and a lot of TLC, thank you. Other than that, nothing other than, if someone has the time to wish me a Happy Birthday, that would really make my day. Nothing extravagant.
Oops. I fibbed again; sorry!!! I have two special birthday wishes, but they probably won't come true until my 40th (next year).
Several months ago, I "met" a very honest, talented person online--if I can mention his name--Bobby Jameson. This birthday girl would be one happy camper if only Bobby and I could meet in person, too. As I said, I'm open to waiting till my birthday next year...as long as we both can live that long!!!
And of course the other birthday wish is that I'll get a kidney transplant, much much sooner than later!!
And with that, I'll say....Namaste, Ta-ta for now, and I love you!!
I apologize profusely for mentioning my birthday more than once, after I told you I didn't want to toot my own horn. Sowwy!!
But...I'm now just hours away from the big day, so....(Toot-toot!)
I'm just about 39!! If I live even just four more hours, even if that's all I have left, I'll still have lived to be 39!!! YES!!! I thought I'd never get to say that. I am sure that some people couldn't care less...but I've made it this far thanks to dialysis...and family and friends (i.e., my sweetheart)!!
I was going to re-post a very special song on here, but I see that the Blogger won't let me do that now. I had it up here on April 16th; I guess you can check my archives to see it, and enjoy.
Last year, I requested "Vicky My Love" (The Cascades) on my birthday, so it kind of became my unofficial birthday song...but from that moment forward, I was made to feel sorry that I had a birthday. Not this year. No mas. I'm requesting nothing other than a little respect and a lot of TLC, thank you. Other than that, nothing other than, if someone has the time to wish me a Happy Birthday, that would really make my day. Nothing extravagant.
Oops. I fibbed again; sorry!!! I have two special birthday wishes, but they probably won't come true until my 40th (next year).
Several months ago, I "met" a very honest, talented person online--if I can mention his name--Bobby Jameson. This birthday girl would be one happy camper if only Bobby and I could meet in person, too. As I said, I'm open to waiting till my birthday next year...as long as we both can live that long!!!
And of course the other birthday wish is that I'll get a kidney transplant, much much sooner than later!!
And with that, I'll say....Namaste, Ta-ta for now, and I love you!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Again?????? DAMN!!!
So no sooner do I vent my spleen about the 17 year-old girl who only got 10 years, than this turns up on the Cox.net home page.
Here's the headline: "18-year-old charged in gruesome string of cat mutilation deaths in 2 South Florida communities ".
Let me get one thing straight. I mean to vent my spleen about this one, too. AND, again, I say, WHY can't these "people" be stopped BEFORE they turn into pet murderers????
THIS clown, if you look at his picture, has an absolutely unforgivable look on his face...as though he never had anything to do with murdering that many cats!!
Two "cat murder" stories in a row, almost. I don't think my poor little heart can take much more of this.
I wish there was more respect for the cats and kittens of our world!! As I was saying, we can learn some valuable lessons from our pets, such as, the value of forgiving, the value of loving unconditionally, etc.
OK, I'm tired of ranting and raving.
Hmmmmm.....Tuesday is going to be one of those days...More on that later.
Namaste, and Ta-Ta for now!! Love ya!
Here's the headline: "18-year-old charged in gruesome string of cat mutilation deaths in 2 South Florida communities ".
Let me get one thing straight. I mean to vent my spleen about this one, too. AND, again, I say, WHY can't these "people" be stopped BEFORE they turn into pet murderers????
THIS clown, if you look at his picture, has an absolutely unforgivable look on his face...as though he never had anything to do with murdering that many cats!!
Two "cat murder" stories in a row, almost. I don't think my poor little heart can take much more of this.
I wish there was more respect for the cats and kittens of our world!! As I was saying, we can learn some valuable lessons from our pets, such as, the value of forgiving, the value of loving unconditionally, etc.
OK, I'm tired of ranting and raving.
Hmmmmm.....Tuesday is going to be one of those days...More on that later.
Namaste, and Ta-Ta for now!! Love ya!
Friday, June 12, 2009
A bit of ranting and raving
Pardon me.
I came back here to rant and rave a bit, for the love of cats and kittens. Naturally, a person who goes and gets a tiger suit at a thrift store MUST love cats and kittens. Not only that...a person who is a bi-coastal "Kitty Mom" must SURELY love cats and kittens. And I do...very much.
Going through my email this morning, the ASPCA has a heart-wrenching news alert...and I DO mean heart-wrenching: "Teen Kills Kitten In Oven". This wasn't even some demented, twisted monster, like most of those cases are. This was a 17 year-old girl, who simply hated cats.
And get this. For this act of murder, all she's supposed to get is 10 years.
10 years?????? That's all????? For murdering an innocent little kitten?????? What in God's name did the kitten ever do to her???????
So, what ARE the warning signs that a person might be turning into a pet murderer?????? Why can't these twisted people be stopped???????
I remember clearly, three years ago, a case in NE Ohio (I was still here in San Diego at the time, but I read about it)...but there was a petition regarding that one, to get justice for the kittens who were hurt.
This one, there doesn't seem to be a petition. That's the other reason I came back here....so I could give a pained voice to the poor little kitten who didn't get to live to do so.
WHY aren't more people stopped before they actually do turn into pet murderers?????
WHAT is this world coming to, anyway?????????
I'm sorry for my ranting and raving (again). I just had to be the pained voice of all the little cats and kittens who have, by some animalistic act or another, lost their voices...and their lives.
I ♥ CATS, and I always will, I'm sure!!!
Aaaaahhhhh....here's my three "little angels", Tony, Jerry, and Mup, who are safe in Cleveland, and will get many visits from me, I'm sure:

Now, I ask you...WHO in their right minds would want to kill such sweet little creatures????
Before you EVER entertain such a thought: STOP!!!!!!
OK, I'm done....or done for....whichever... Thanks for letting me be a voice for all the cats and kittens of the world.
Namaste, Ta-Ta, and remember: Be KIND to animals, for they love unconditionally and always forgive...we humans could actually learn from pets!!! ;-)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
...6 more days, and all is well...Busy, but well!
I think there must be something to that body/mind/spirit connection. My mind and my spirit are absolutely thrilled to be back in San Diego, and keeping busy and learning new things every day. So, my body seems to be faring better as well.
6 more days, and the whole package will be another year older. That's the closest I'll come to actually announcing the big day...next Tuesday, same as it was the year I was born. Hmmmm...
I already mentioned that there are a lot of coincidences that I've been noticing. I'll elaborate on that again some other time.
I promised you a picture of me in a tiger suit. I am hoping that we can get that done tomorrow, as I'm FINALLY starting to lose enough weight to look really, really hot in that suit! FINALLY...for the first time in almost a year, I'm down to 60.4 kg, which is 134 lbs. Not too bad, considering I'm on dialysis and don't lose any fluid when I'm not on the machine. >:-(
So I hope that tomorrow will be the "tiger suit picture" day...more on that another time as well.
I'm soooooo glad I'm not online as much as I was back in Cleveland!!!! I can stay out of trouble this way....or, better put, I can get into a different kind of trouble...BUT, I haven't even crawled under my Isuzu yet and taken a look at that transmission...THAT adventure is yet to come!...Hmmmm...that'd be a hell of a wonderful birthday present, if somehow, by some small miracle, I could get my truck running again in time for my birthday...which is next week, so I'd really have to work hard!! Sooooo, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything from me for a while...other than the tiger picture.)
I'll leave you with this thought: we are ALL connected on a level that we may not be aware of fully, if at all. I'm sure that there's at least some truth to that idea. Even I don't have any idea what it all means; you'll just have to have a chat with Spirit...as will I!
I'll leave you with that thought.
Namaste...and Ta-Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for now. ;-)
6 more days, and the whole package will be another year older. That's the closest I'll come to actually announcing the big day...next Tuesday, same as it was the year I was born. Hmmmm...
I already mentioned that there are a lot of coincidences that I've been noticing. I'll elaborate on that again some other time.
I promised you a picture of me in a tiger suit. I am hoping that we can get that done tomorrow, as I'm FINALLY starting to lose enough weight to look really, really hot in that suit! FINALLY...for the first time in almost a year, I'm down to 60.4 kg, which is 134 lbs. Not too bad, considering I'm on dialysis and don't lose any fluid when I'm not on the machine. >:-(
So I hope that tomorrow will be the "tiger suit picture" day...more on that another time as well.
I'm soooooo glad I'm not online as much as I was back in Cleveland!!!! I can stay out of trouble this way....or, better put, I can get into a different kind of trouble...BUT, I haven't even crawled under my Isuzu yet and taken a look at that transmission...THAT adventure is yet to come!...Hmmmm...that'd be a hell of a wonderful birthday present, if somehow, by some small miracle, I could get my truck running again in time for my birthday...which is next week, so I'd really have to work hard!! Sooooo, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything from me for a while...other than the tiger picture.)
I'll leave you with this thought: we are ALL connected on a level that we may not be aware of fully, if at all. I'm sure that there's at least some truth to that idea. Even I don't have any idea what it all means; you'll just have to have a chat with Spirit...as will I!
I'll leave you with that thought.
Namaste...and Ta-Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for now. ;-)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, a full and productive life indeed....I ♥ CA!!!
So here's a little bit about what I've been up to.
Let's see....recently I surprised the heck out of myself. Oh, yes...I actually was able to put the mop refill on this past weekend.
Late last week, I again showed that I was able to walk in stiletto heels. WOW!
And yesterday, we went to the wrecking yard.
Oh, yes...and the main thing was...I polished two sets of lug nuts; that was two weeks ago.
WOW!! So, if only I can stay here, I actually won't turn to mush...and I don't mean as in "mushy" music!! I mean, my body and my brain won't atrophy from lack of use!!
And, did I mention, that my love of cats has led me to get a tiger suit?? This much is true. I just have to get a picture of myself in this tiger suit...but please trust me. I look SOOOOOO HOT in that thing!
Hmmmmm....June 2nd already. And this is California, so that means it was already June 2nd back east. Two more weeks until....well, I'll let you figure that part out; I'm tired of tooting my own horn there.
Namaste, and Ta-ta!!!~~~~ ;-)
Let's see....recently I surprised the heck out of myself. Oh, yes...I actually was able to put the mop refill on this past weekend.
Late last week, I again showed that I was able to walk in stiletto heels. WOW!
And yesterday, we went to the wrecking yard.
Oh, yes...and the main thing was...I polished two sets of lug nuts; that was two weeks ago.
WOW!! So, if only I can stay here, I actually won't turn to mush...and I don't mean as in "mushy" music!! I mean, my body and my brain won't atrophy from lack of use!!
And, did I mention, that my love of cats has led me to get a tiger suit?? This much is true. I just have to get a picture of myself in this tiger suit...but please trust me. I look SOOOOOO HOT in that thing!
Hmmmmm....June 2nd already. And this is California, so that means it was already June 2nd back east. Two more weeks until....well, I'll let you figure that part out; I'm tired of tooting my own horn there.
Namaste, and Ta-ta!!!~~~~ ;-)
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