Pardon me.
I came back here to rant and rave a bit, for the love of cats and kittens. Naturally, a person who goes and gets a tiger suit at a thrift store MUST love cats and kittens. Not only that...a person who is a bi-coastal "Kitty Mom" must SURELY love cats and kittens. And I do...very much.
Going through my email this morning, the ASPCA has a heart-wrenching news alert...and I DO mean heart-wrenching: "Teen Kills Kitten In Oven". This wasn't even some demented, twisted monster, like most of those cases are. This was a 17 year-old girl, who simply hated cats.
And get this. For this act of murder, all she's supposed to get is 10 years.
10 years?????? That's all????? For murdering an innocent little kitten?????? What in God's name did the kitten ever do to her???????
So, what ARE the warning signs that a person might be turning into a pet murderer?????? Why can't these twisted people be stopped???????
I remember clearly, three years ago, a case in NE Ohio (I was still here in San Diego at the time, but I read about it)...but there was a petition regarding that one, to get justice for the kittens who were hurt.
This one, there doesn't seem to be a petition. That's the other reason I came back I could give a pained voice to the poor little kitten who didn't get to live to do so.
WHY aren't more people stopped before they actually do turn into pet murderers?????
WHAT is this world coming to, anyway?????????
I'm sorry for my ranting and raving (again). I just had to be the pained voice of all the little cats and kittens who have, by some animalistic act or another, lost their voices...and their lives.
I ♥ CATS, and I always will, I'm sure!!!'s my three "little angels", Tony, Jerry, and Mup, who are safe in Cleveland, and will get many visits from me, I'm sure:

Now, I ask you...WHO in their right minds would want to kill such sweet little creatures????
Before you EVER entertain such a thought: STOP!!!!!!
OK, I'm done....or done for....whichever... Thanks for letting me be a voice for all the cats and kittens of the world.
Namaste, Ta-Ta, and remember: Be KIND to animals, for they love unconditionally and always forgive...we humans could actually learn from pets!!! ;-)
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