Monday, July 27, 2009

By the way, this was Utah...three years and three days ago.

That reminds me, I took this picture in Utah. Er...ah...the date on that SHOULD be Monday, July 24, 2006!! Look, Ma, no traffic!!! Now there's a sight you don't see often, unless you happen to live where there's no traffic. Geez...goddamn flimsy paint there (on my hood). See why I have a big sanding and painting job ahead of me??
OK; now, I am outta here, till later...or tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I have to see my "PD" nurse early, then I have a "post-op" appointment, with the surgeon who put my new "PD" catheter in, and then I have two appointments over in the Transplant Center, so thank goodness, we're getting the ball rolling again on getting re-listed at Sharp.
In case I don't come back tonight,
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!

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