Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How the time flies....

That's another song title, isn't it?? I'm positive that it is.
Three years ago today, I was driving home from East Dundee, Illinois. On the way home, I pulled into various rest stops along the way and took pretty restful kitty naps in my truck. And all the way home, I was still reeling from having met Dick Biondi in person. Oh, to have a moment like that in my life again...while we're all still alive!!! hemoglobin is 10, which is low even for a dialysis patient!! Which means...remember, last night, I said I must be anemic, because I feel anemic?? I was right on the money, again!! No wonder my doctor thinks I should do "PD" at home. I make a pretty good self-nurse. What do they call that, when you aren't officially a nurse, but you have to be your own nurse??? That'd be "self-nurse", right??? I'd think so.
Geez!!! I'm anemic alright. I just hope I don't need another blood transfusion!!! Why am I anemic, you ask?? "PD" catheter was bleeding an awful lot this week. Now, most people have at least one good kidney to make new blood for them. In the absence of ANY kidney whatsoever, I tend to get anemic pretty easily.
So, there ya have it. That might explain why I should be looking for a donor...
I got off on a tangent, and thanks for letting me do so...but, back to my donor search.
Type A or O.
California, preferrably, as I hope to not have to travel, nor do I want my donor to have to travel here from out of state.
Training for "PD" starts tomorrow, so I'll be VERY busy for a week or so.
Must run for now, as we're going to take an early-evening walk (early for us, that is).
And, I have another headache, so......
In case I don't come back here tonight...
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!!
Love ya!!
Ta-taaaaaaa, for now!!

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