Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Plan Re: Finding A Donor

Someone...I think Gandhi...said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Yes, that WAS Gandhi.
Well...the change I want to see, is that I want to be able to find a kidney donor, fast.
I was on "PD" problem.
I had a double-nephrectomy...was on hemo.
Then, I switched back to "PD". Got peritonitis twice; almost died both times.
Switched back to hemo...and got one systemic infection after another after another after another, including one that involved having the graft taken out faster than it went in.
Now, I'm back on "PD"...and sure enough, I'm having early symptoms of peritonitis again.
Well, DAMN!!! I can't be on dialysis for five years this way!!!!! I just can't!!!
But, I remembered today, that the other organ that people can spare one of is the lungs. We have two, but only really need one.
Here, then, is my plan.
I'll gladly, quickly, give someone one of my lungs, for one of their good, healthy kidneys.
No, really. I WILL be a donor, in order to FIND a donor!!!
Thanks for hearing me out.
Gotta run.

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