Wednesday, August 12, 2009

On a lighter note...another cat tale

When my three cats, Tony, Jerry, and Mup, were here (in San Diego), and when I was on "PD" the first time (before the nephrectomy), my cats were sooooo adorable!! The thing with "PD", is that because the kitties' fur can get into the catheter and cause germs (i.e., possibly peritonitis), they're not allowed in the same room with me while I'm connecting or disconnecting. Now, of course, this is no trouble, because the older kitties are all outdoors. But when mine were here, and indoors, they were soooooooo adorable!! Especially Jerry. To this day, he's the most assertive of the three. If he could only talk, that little genius would have been telling me, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!! We wanna see the beach!!!" (beach=for bleach water, which I have to use to clean my work space before every treatment). Or, he'd have been saying, "We wanna see your Magic Soap, Mommy!!" (Magic soap, of course, being the dialysis solution...also known as "Magic soup"...but after all, it helps clean my blood, so it must be magic soap too, right??) I just know that's what he'd have been saying if he could talk.
Then, when I switched to the machine the first time, Tony was sooooo afraid of that thing!! If he could talk, he'd have been saying something like, "I not WANTS to go near that Moonsterous!!"...or, "Moonsterous? Not comes near me, and not eats my Mommy ups!"
Mup, on the other hand, is so calm and collected, most of the time. But, I think she'd say, "What that is? WHAT...THAT...IS???"
Smart kitties, I have, I'd say!!!
After all...Tony is the one who knows how to "drag" a person over to his crunchy dish to watch him eat...and when I say "drag", I mean, he'll maintain eye contact with you as he's walking over to his food, and every so often, he'll say, "Wah?? Wah??" And, Jerry is the one who knows how to say "Meow-WOW-i !!" (which I'm still convinced was his way of saying "Biondi"). And Mup can talk up a storm when she has something on her mind.
Yes, I iz quite a proud human-kitty mom!! And I look forward to visiting my furbabies, for their 8th birthday coming up (Aug. 29th).
Well...gotta run and get ready for my 4th of 4 water filtration sessions for the day.
Till tomorrow...or whenever...
Love ya!

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