I'm not closing this blog down. I'm merely not going to add any additional posts.
I can take a hint, I really can.
I'm 40 years old...you'd think that, by now, I'd have learned to just shut the hell up.
So...I'm shutting up.
Please feel free to read all that I have already written.
I'm just not going to show up any more with any new blogs.
If you feel like you want to leave me a comment, please be my guest...and I'll answer you as soon as I'm able.
Thank you so much for reading (if you have).
Was that me???? Did I make that comment, on March 19, and then take it down???
I don't recall getting an email notification about it.
Just curious, that's all.
4am, and I'm up?????? Damn Prednisone....but, it's Step One in trying to fight off this mild rejection.
Deleted comments now, on my blog, that I knew nothing about... Weird. Nap time for me.
If that wasn't me, and someone sees this comment... I don't know. I'm baffled, puzzled, and a interested to know what else I've missed, by ignoring this blog. I'll look it over some time.
Oh my...I have comments wide open on here...it could've been anyone!! But that's what I would like to know...who was it??
Oops! I'm back. I forgot to check the box that says I want follow-up comments, so I came back to do that, because I surely do want follow-up comments (if there are any...if the deleted comment wasn't me, and I'm just losin' my mind).
Hey, this is my blog...I'm allowed to be a dunce on my own blog...at least, I think I am.
F***... I'm just tired, but wired on Prednisone.
I'll exit my own blog yet again, and again sorry to disturb whoever is getting follow-up notifications on account of me.
Oh... Last comment, I promise! By the way, and again, if the deleted comment was from someone else who may return: You are damned right this is my own blog!! But, it's on my old account that got hacked. I tried to transfer my blogs over to this new account, but under pressure to not be on my own computer too long, I found that transferring, AND re-formatting it on the new account so it would look like the original, would have taken f***in' forever, and I was getting a splitting headache and was that close to a nervous breakdown...so I quit the transfer. This blog IS on my new account, with one or two additional posts, so you'll know, but it's not formatted like this one, because I just didn't have the time nor the patience, nor the strength. Both blogs on my old account are on this new one as well, just not formatted like the originals.
Now, you know...or if you are me, then I am merely re-iterating what I already knew, but like I said, I think I am allowed to be a dunce on my own blog!!
OK, now, good-night!
Hmmm... Is this Blogger comment feature haunted or somethin'???
What happened to the three comments I left here the other night?? They're gone!
Turns out, the deleted comment was mine anyway (at least, that's what the haunted Blogger told me), so probably I'm just talking to myself again...therefore, I should probably not expect any kind of a coherent or logical response from me, either. When I start talking to myself, I am glad that I am in the Kidney Unit, and not on that other unit that I know exists around here somewhere's.
It's the steroids!! Blame the steroids!! Mega-steroids, for three days...sure to make me a bit wacky. :-)
Alrighty, well...at least someone cares enough to comment on my blog...Disappointing, that someone happens to be the blog author.
Thanks for reading (if my comment attracts even one more reader, thanks for stopping by to take a look!)
If demand is high enough, I do want to resume telling my life story here. Time will tell how that turns out.
Ta-ta, for now!
(Oh come on...I am NOT signing my name on a comment on my own blog!)
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