Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Truth be told, I could use a hug---

What a long, long day this was.
I had four pre-op appointments, to get ready to have a graft put in my arm for "better" dialysis treatments. That's still set for the 28th (2 more weeks).
Unfortunately, this took longer than I thought. The last appointment was supposed to be at 1:45. I didn't get out of there till about 3:45. I was having kittens by then.
I'm definitely not looking forward to all this, but I'm told it has to be done. (Notice I put the word "better", like so?? My idea of "better" does NOT involve using needles for dialysis...much less for anything else!)
Anyway, so that's the main thing. At this point, I haven't taken any Excedrin OR Percocet yet, so I'm going to have to find one and/or the other, as I feel a slight headache coming on.
Oh...I didn't tell you about that, did I??? How I started using Percocet?? Well, first of all, I'd gotten Percocet to take after one of my previous surgeries. I don't remember which previous surgery, really. So, I had a leftover bottle. And this past September, I was stricken with what was called Intractable Sciatica: my tailbone hurt so much that I could barely even walk without using crutches or a walker. That went on for about a month, during which time I discovered that the ONLY painkiller that worked for me was Percocet. So, I managed to get one more prescription of it, which I still have a couple more left over from. Generally, I don't take that anymore, now that I know Excedrin will work fine for a headache. But, if I ever need it, the Percocet is here--for a little while.
While all this is going on, I'm feeling like a good hug would help. If nothing else, it could be very therapeutic.
Thanks for reading!

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