Monday, January 12, 2009

Update (Yes, again)

I got an e-mail from my potential donor this evening. (I hope I'm not jinxing this whole thing by not being too overly optimistic--although, I'm trying to have enough optimism to not wish it away completely).
He says he just got tested, and we'll know in about 2 or 3 weeks if we're a good match. (that's for a transplant, of course)
Let me check my calendar. Damn! The surgery to put a graft in my arm is going to be in about 2 weeks, I think. (28-14=14...yup...2 weeks from Wednesday) So, I guess I won't be able to avoid that after all. I am NOT looking forward to being a "one-arm wonder", but it could be worse, I presume. Damn! I'm NOT going to be looking forward to having needles in my arm three days a week for almost the whole day.
Not only that, but I had kind of a rough night tonight. Somehow, I feel slightly dejected. I'll get over it, as usual. But, for now, I feel dejected....and flirty too. What a hell of a combination! It's been a long time since anyone appreciated my flirtiness. More on that later.
Hugs to ya--till next time. :-)

1 comment:

2PLH589 said...

Hello! I've found you by accident or maybe there aren't any accidents on this road in life. You are so brave and I'm enjoying reading your posts. I also love your optimistic outlook on life. Thank you!