That's another song title, isn't it?? I'm positive that it is.
Three years ago today, I was driving home from East Dundee, Illinois. On the way home, I pulled into various rest stops along the way and took pretty restful kitty naps in my truck. And all the way home, I was still reeling from having met Dick Biondi in person. Oh, to have a moment like that in my life again...while we're all still alive!!! hemoglobin is 10, which is low even for a dialysis patient!! Which means...remember, last night, I said I must be anemic, because I feel anemic?? I was right on the money, again!! No wonder my doctor thinks I should do "PD" at home. I make a pretty good self-nurse. What do they call that, when you aren't officially a nurse, but you have to be your own nurse??? That'd be "self-nurse", right??? I'd think so.
Geez!!! I'm anemic alright. I just hope I don't need another blood transfusion!!! Why am I anemic, you ask?? "PD" catheter was bleeding an awful lot this week. Now, most people have at least one good kidney to make new blood for them. In the absence of ANY kidney whatsoever, I tend to get anemic pretty easily.
So, there ya have it. That might explain why I should be looking for a donor...
I got off on a tangent, and thanks for letting me do so...but, back to my donor search.
Type A or O.
California, preferrably, as I hope to not have to travel, nor do I want my donor to have to travel here from out of state.
Training for "PD" starts tomorrow, so I'll be VERY busy for a week or so.
Must run for now, as we're going to take an early-evening walk (early for us, that is).
And, I have another headache, so......
In case I don't come back here tonight...
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!!
Love ya!!
Ta-taaaaaaa, for now!!
When I was trying to find a kidney donor, I decided to share some experiences that I had that were related to my painfully time on dialysis. On Sep. 1, 2010, I finally received a living-donor transplant. I still want to use this blog to let you know a bit about my personal history. I sincerely hope that you'll read, and get to know me a little. I will also tell you about my wonderful cats from time to time, so on. Thank you!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Three Years Ago Tonight....Wow, has it been that long???
Yes, it has been that long.
8:00pm, July 28, 2006, I found myself in the same room as the "Wild I-tralian"--Dick Biondi. In case you had no idea, he's a living legend, and still on the radio in Chicago.
Now I've heard that it is possible for someone to absolutely light up a room just by being in it...but I hadn't actually seen this happen until I met Dick, and I haven't seen this again since.
Dick is a wonderful person, and he's even more wonderful in person. He and I must have hugged each other at least 10 times that night. One or two of those times, he was in the outfit pictured.

When Dick learned that I was the same person who had emailed him a few times previously...and that I had driven there all the way from San Diego...I'm not really sure if I HAD to catch him, but I did; I held him up.
What an unforgettable night. The question is...was my trip worth it??? Well, of course!! If I can jump on the chance to see, and hug, Dick Biondi in's worth it! Would I do that again?? NO!! For a long time, I'm flyin'!!! I don't care how much I don't care for the heightened security at the airport. Next time, I'm flyin', if it would be more than a six-hour car ride!!
Er....ah....Dick, if you happen to run into my blog here...first of all, remember it IS my blog...second, sowwy about that picture there. But, after all, I wasn't the only person that night who saw that.
Besides...look at my Blogger photo, and there's Dick, in his regular outfit. ;-)
Now...what else was there....I don't remember. I feel like I'm dragging tonight.
I may have to start testing my own hemoglobin. I can NOT believe that I'm not anemic at this moment!!!! I feel sooooo damn anemic right now; forgive me.
Must be time to say~~
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!
Love ya!! Thanks for stopping by!!
8:00pm, July 28, 2006, I found myself in the same room as the "Wild I-tralian"--Dick Biondi. In case you had no idea, he's a living legend, and still on the radio in Chicago.
Now I've heard that it is possible for someone to absolutely light up a room just by being in it...but I hadn't actually seen this happen until I met Dick, and I haven't seen this again since.
Dick is a wonderful person, and he's even more wonderful in person. He and I must have hugged each other at least 10 times that night. One or two of those times, he was in the outfit pictured.

When Dick learned that I was the same person who had emailed him a few times previously...and that I had driven there all the way from San Diego...I'm not really sure if I HAD to catch him, but I did; I held him up.
What an unforgettable night. The question is...was my trip worth it??? Well, of course!! If I can jump on the chance to see, and hug, Dick Biondi in's worth it! Would I do that again?? NO!! For a long time, I'm flyin'!!! I don't care how much I don't care for the heightened security at the airport. Next time, I'm flyin', if it would be more than a six-hour car ride!!
Er....ah....Dick, if you happen to run into my blog here...first of all, remember it IS my blog...second, sowwy about that picture there. But, after all, I wasn't the only person that night who saw that.
Besides...look at my Blogger photo, and there's Dick, in his regular outfit. ;-)
Now...what else was there....I don't remember. I feel like I'm dragging tonight.
I may have to start testing my own hemoglobin. I can NOT believe that I'm not anemic at this moment!!!! I feel sooooo damn anemic right now; forgive me.
Must be time to say~~
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!
Love ya!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
By the way, this was Utah...three years and three days ago.

That reminds me, I took this picture in Utah. Er...ah...the date on that SHOULD be Monday, July 24, 2006!! Look, Ma, no traffic!!! Now there's a sight you don't see often, unless you happen to live where there's no traffic. Geez...goddamn flimsy paint there (on my hood). See why I have a big sanding and painting job ahead of me??
OK; now, I am outta here, till later...or tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I have to see my "PD" nurse early, then I have a "post-op" appointment, with the surgeon who put my new "PD" catheter in, and then I have two appointments over in the Transplant Center, so thank goodness, we're getting the ball rolling again on getting re-listed at Sharp.
In case I don't come back tonight,
Good night, sweethearts, good night!!!
Memories of Greater Chicagoland~~

On my trip, I took these pictures, both of which are in Greater Chicagoland. One is a Speedway station (get a load of THAT advertising..."Always Fresh Coffee" the pump??? HAA!!), and the other is the room that I stayed in, in Elgin. I took these on July 28, 2006. The shot of my room was my final look at it, in person, that night.
I'm posting this one "on the go", as we're about to take a comparatively-early evening walk.
Three years ago today, I rested, and watched the clearly Midwest thunderstorm happening outside, so thankful that I had nowhere to go until the next day, when it miraculously was a lovely (but HOT) day.
Three years ago tomorrow...well, you'll just have to come back tomorrow to find out about that. But, if you're thinking that a certain "Wild Itralian" was in my plans, you're absolutely right. Boy, Chicagoans ARE spoiled as hell!! It's not like San Diego, or Cleveland, or anywhere else, has a DJ who is willing and able to host a sock all!!
OK; off we go...into the wild blue yonder.
Ta-taaaaaaaaaaaaa, for now!!
Laytah, my darling gaytah!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Aaaaaahhhh...Elgin, At Last
After a night in, I believe, Omaha, NE, I found myself energized enough to drive the rest of the way to where I was headed, which was the Days Inn in Elgin.
After having already gone through the life-sized rollercoaster called The Rockies, Nebraska and Iowa seemed like nothing to drive through...except that the speed limit on the highway in those two states is 70 mph, and trucks are not required to slow down and stay in the right-hand essentially, EVERYONE gets to go 70 mph, in EVERY lane. For me, this was a bit of a challenge, as my transmission was already starting to show signs of wearing. I did the best that I could, but sometimes it didn't seem to shift up into a higher speed for me, and I found myself going relatively slow, considering how people seem to want to go faster than the posted speed limit.
I remember making a few stops along the way, one being in Iowa, where I had one of my tires checked. I must have thought it looked low or something.
And, three years ago today, was when I drove past the highway sign for a town called What Cheer, Iowa. Boy, I had to do a double-take when I saw that one!
Finally, come evening, I entered Illinois. Aaaaaahhhhh...the Midwest...that I hadn't seen since 1997.
By the time I got into Illinois, it was already starting to get dark.
I entered greater Chicago shortly after midnight. This was where, and when, I accidentally went off-roading, for 2 of the scariest seconds of my life since I left the Rockies. Long story short, my headlights just weren't bright enough to carry me through the rural backroads of greater Chicago after I ended up going off the road, quite by accident, and went right back on the road as fast as I could.
Finally, around 1am on July 27th, 2006, I arrived at the Days Inn in Elgin, IL...and took the rest of the day off, so I would be rested up enough to enjoy what I went out there for in the first place.
Naturally, I'll finish this tale! I'm on a roll here.
But...we're gonna take a late stroll around the neighborhood in a minute here, so I gotta run.
Good night, sweetheart, good night!!! Love ya!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Ta-ta, for now!
After having already gone through the life-sized rollercoaster called The Rockies, Nebraska and Iowa seemed like nothing to drive through...except that the speed limit on the highway in those two states is 70 mph, and trucks are not required to slow down and stay in the right-hand essentially, EVERYONE gets to go 70 mph, in EVERY lane. For me, this was a bit of a challenge, as my transmission was already starting to show signs of wearing. I did the best that I could, but sometimes it didn't seem to shift up into a higher speed for me, and I found myself going relatively slow, considering how people seem to want to go faster than the posted speed limit.
I remember making a few stops along the way, one being in Iowa, where I had one of my tires checked. I must have thought it looked low or something.
And, three years ago today, was when I drove past the highway sign for a town called What Cheer, Iowa. Boy, I had to do a double-take when I saw that one!
Finally, come evening, I entered Illinois. Aaaaaahhhhh...the Midwest...that I hadn't seen since 1997.
By the time I got into Illinois, it was already starting to get dark.
I entered greater Chicago shortly after midnight. This was where, and when, I accidentally went off-roading, for 2 of the scariest seconds of my life since I left the Rockies. Long story short, my headlights just weren't bright enough to carry me through the rural backroads of greater Chicago after I ended up going off the road, quite by accident, and went right back on the road as fast as I could.
Finally, around 1am on July 27th, 2006, I arrived at the Days Inn in Elgin, IL...and took the rest of the day off, so I would be rested up enough to enjoy what I went out there for in the first place.
Naturally, I'll finish this tale! I'm on a roll here.
But...we're gonna take a late stroll around the neighborhood in a minute here, so I gotta run.
Good night, sweetheart, good night!!! Love ya!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Ta-ta, for now!
Seats, Anyone???
One more idea quickly before I turn everything off and get my beauty rest.
Anyone want some leather seats?? They're in pretty good shape for their age (came out of a 1989 Toyota Cressida). As I once put in an eBay listing, get creative. You could use these for living room seats...or seats for some other room.
The other thing is, I have some other spare parts left over from when we had a 1983 Cressida and a 1985 Supra. Just thought I'd mention it. Check CraigsList, San Diego. I have several listings there, including these seats.
Thanks for considering, or at least reading!!
Now, I really DO mean, Good night...ta-ta...etc.
Love ya!!

Anyone want some leather seats?? They're in pretty good shape for their age (came out of a 1989 Toyota Cressida). As I once put in an eBay listing, get creative. You could use these for living room seats...or seats for some other room.
The other thing is, I have some other spare parts left over from when we had a 1983 Cressida and a 1985 Supra. Just thought I'd mention it. Check CraigsList, San Diego. I have several listings there, including these seats.
Thanks for considering, or at least reading!!
Now, I really DO mean, Good night...ta-ta...etc.
Love ya!!

"Over, Under, Sideways, and Down"
So if I ended yesterday in Avon, Colorado, that meant that I drove through the rest of Colorado today, three years ago. July 25, 2006. What a drive!!!! As the song title says, "Over, Under, Sideways, and Down". Geez!! I'd give anything for that adventure again, BUT at the time, I thought I was gonna die! Thank goodness, I made it through, ending the day in Nebraska, I believe. Yes. Nebraska. I drove through Colorado, just missing Denver, as I was on I-76--just west of Denver. This is a beautiful country. I can't believe I actually drove through so much of it!
And, by the way, my transmission problem is NOT caused by that gear selector switch. So, we're back to Square 1. We figured we'd analyze that part of the situation sweetheart and myself. Thank goodness I do have someone here who cares about me, and who also happens to know how to work on cars more so than I do. Too bad neither of us are equipped to handle this particular transmission. There WILL be a solution to this; I just have no idea what at this moment.
No wonder I'm so tired. It's after midnight, and I didn't get a nap in today.
Good night, sweetheart, good night!!! Love ya!!
Best wishes, ta-taa, etc.
And, by the way, my transmission problem is NOT caused by that gear selector switch. So, we're back to Square 1. We figured we'd analyze that part of the situation sweetheart and myself. Thank goodness I do have someone here who cares about me, and who also happens to know how to work on cars more so than I do. Too bad neither of us are equipped to handle this particular transmission. There WILL be a solution to this; I just have no idea what at this moment.
No wonder I'm so tired. It's after midnight, and I didn't get a nap in today.
Good night, sweetheart, good night!!! Love ya!!
Best wishes, ta-taa, etc.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
More "PD" info~~
To refresh your memory, "PD"=Peritoneal Dialysis.
I'm sooooo tired of being on ANY dialysis...BUT, that's not really....I mean....never mind.
Friday--as in yesterday, I went over to the same "PD" clinic where I used to go when I first started "PD" here in San Diego the first time, two years ago. My nurse remembered me immediately, and of course I remember her. I missed it there, so it's good to be back. The only reason I'm back there, is because I told Fresenius that I didn't want to go to the Fresenius "PD" clinic.
I had my dressing changed, and my nurse flushed the "PD" catheter. There was sure a lot of blood in that catheter, which is rare, but does happen sometimes, in some people. Geez, no wonder I feel anemic again, after losing that much blood!!!
Monday, I have to go back and have the catheter flushed again, and next week probably, I can start training. Every time you go back on "PD", you have to be re-trained, just to be sure you know what you're doing, so you don't make a mistake and get peritonitis. Trust me; I had peritonitis twice and almost died from it both times. You do NOT want to get peritionitis, so re-learning what you're doing when you are your own nurse, is important.
My nurse also remembered my cats...although I am pretty sure she only saw Jerry when she was here two years ago. My little Jerry. change the subject for a minute, little Cousin seems to be fussy these days. Wonder what's gotten into him.
Anyway, so that's what's up with the whole "PD" thing. So, hopefully I'll be off hemo. pretty soon, as early as next week, or whenever I've been re-trained and whenever Baxter can come over and deliver me a month's supply of stuff. Geez, I wonder where we're gonna put it all...... Damn it, no matter where I live, there's just no room for my "PD" supplies!!! DAMN!!!! Yet, with hemo., I'd be a "one-arm wonder", not able to do half the things that I still can. I really DO need a transplant, don't I....Absolutely, right??? Yup!!!
OK, here's the thing. I have other things to take care of here before bed, so....
Good night, my sweetheart~~~ta-taaaaaaaa for now!!
I'm sooooo tired of being on ANY dialysis...BUT, that's not really....I mean....never mind.
Friday--as in yesterday, I went over to the same "PD" clinic where I used to go when I first started "PD" here in San Diego the first time, two years ago. My nurse remembered me immediately, and of course I remember her. I missed it there, so it's good to be back. The only reason I'm back there, is because I told Fresenius that I didn't want to go to the Fresenius "PD" clinic.
I had my dressing changed, and my nurse flushed the "PD" catheter. There was sure a lot of blood in that catheter, which is rare, but does happen sometimes, in some people. Geez, no wonder I feel anemic again, after losing that much blood!!!
Monday, I have to go back and have the catheter flushed again, and next week probably, I can start training. Every time you go back on "PD", you have to be re-trained, just to be sure you know what you're doing, so you don't make a mistake and get peritonitis. Trust me; I had peritonitis twice and almost died from it both times. You do NOT want to get peritionitis, so re-learning what you're doing when you are your own nurse, is important.
My nurse also remembered my cats...although I am pretty sure she only saw Jerry when she was here two years ago. My little Jerry. change the subject for a minute, little Cousin seems to be fussy these days. Wonder what's gotten into him.
Anyway, so that's what's up with the whole "PD" thing. So, hopefully I'll be off hemo. pretty soon, as early as next week, or whenever I've been re-trained and whenever Baxter can come over and deliver me a month's supply of stuff. Geez, I wonder where we're gonna put it all...... Damn it, no matter where I live, there's just no room for my "PD" supplies!!! DAMN!!!! Yet, with hemo., I'd be a "one-arm wonder", not able to do half the things that I still can. I really DO need a transplant, don't I....Absolutely, right??? Yup!!!
OK, here's the thing. I have other things to take care of here before bed, so....
Good night, my sweetheart~~~ta-taaaaaaaa for now!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
I stand corrected~~
So here's the thing.
My trip started on a Sunday, three years ago. BUT--
It was the 23rd--NOT the 22nd!!
So, everything I've said so far since the 22nd, has to be pushed forward a day.
I really must move this calendar in the computer room here from March to July. Wonder why I didn't think of that before.
TODAY, three years ago, was when I drove through Green River, Utah, and ended my day in Avon, Colorado.
(*sigh*) I'm having a headache at the moment, so I'll be back later. Just let me take a Percocet...or a Vicodin...(for the time being, I have a choice. What AM I going to do with myself...)
Today was a busy day, and I do have much new news for you, but I'll have to come back later with that.
Gotta RUN for now.
Love ya!! Ta-taaaaaaa...till laytah, my gaytah...
My trip started on a Sunday, three years ago. BUT--
It was the 23rd--NOT the 22nd!!
So, everything I've said so far since the 22nd, has to be pushed forward a day.
I really must move this calendar in the computer room here from March to July. Wonder why I didn't think of that before.
TODAY, three years ago, was when I drove through Green River, Utah, and ended my day in Avon, Colorado.
(*sigh*) I'm having a headache at the moment, so I'll be back later. Just let me take a Percocet...or a Vicodin...(for the time being, I have a choice. What AM I going to do with myself...)
Today was a busy day, and I do have much new news for you, but I'll have to come back later with that.
Gotta RUN for now.
Love ya!! Ta-taaaaaaa...till laytah, my gaytah...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
"Green River"...and "Over, Under, Sideways, and Down"
Three years ago today saw me driving through Green River, Utah (and wondering if the song "Green River" had been inspired by that town, or another Green River, or what; I still haven't researched that)...I drove through a few other places as well...ultimately ending the day in Avon, Colorado, I believe. Yes. Avon, Colorado. Land of the "roundabouts." I'll never forget that. That means I'd already driven through Arizona...Grand Canyon and all...and was soon to drive through or near the Rockies. THE ROCKIES!!!?????!!! Yes, the Rockies. So, essentially, three years ago today, my trip was already beginning to resemble the song title: "Over, Under, Sideways, and Down." SUV, with inexpensive shocks...through canyons and mountains like I've never been through wonder! What an adventure!! I wish really that I could do that again!!!
So you may be wondering, was my trip worth it??? If you don't think so, you don't know Dick Biondi too well, if at all. Sure, my trip was worth it. Just too bad I didn't have my transmission serviced first, because a year later, it went bonkers on me, and I still haven't been able to do anything about that.
The other thing is, of course, that I'm rather adventurous. Was I a happy camper sitting in Cleveland for a year and a half, with no sweetheart, no adventure, no nothing but boredom??? NO!!!!!
I gotta make this brief, forgive me. I have a few other things to do before bed.
Goodnight, my sweetheart, goodnight. Ta-taaaaaa, for now!
(poofski) :-)
So you may be wondering, was my trip worth it??? If you don't think so, you don't know Dick Biondi too well, if at all. Sure, my trip was worth it. Just too bad I didn't have my transmission serviced first, because a year later, it went bonkers on me, and I still haven't been able to do anything about that.
The other thing is, of course, that I'm rather adventurous. Was I a happy camper sitting in Cleveland for a year and a half, with no sweetheart, no adventure, no nothing but boredom??? NO!!!!!
I gotta make this brief, forgive me. I have a few other things to do before bed.
Goodnight, my sweetheart, goodnight. Ta-taaaaaa, for now!
(poofski) :-)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's Been Twee Long Years (Part Deux)
So, three years ago, ah...three years ago yesterday (July 23...a Sunday that year), was when I began my long, long trip.
Here is the sweet little, undermaintained Isuzu that I made my trip in.

As I was getting ready to leave, I told my three cats that I was going to see Dick Biondi, who was newly out of work, and that I'd be back a few days, most likely. To which my cat Jerry replied, "Meow-WOW-i." (He was trying to say "Biondi"; to this day, I'm convinced of that.)
And, this time of day--12:04AM on the 24th--I had either just crossed the California/Nevada state line, or hadn't quite yet crossed it. I really don't remember.
And thus began my long, long, long trip halfway across the country. Everywhere I went, was this horrible heatwave! I would have roasted to death had my air conditioner not been working. BUT--too damn bad we forgot to maintain the transmission before I left. In the driveway as I type, sits this Isuzu...because the transmission only lasted about a year after I returned from my trip--from San Diego, CA, to East Dundee, IL. Going there, I actually did stop to spend the night at various places along the way. I remember seeing a town called What Cheer, Iowa. What an odd name for a place, I thought. Coming back here, I pulled over to those rest stops and slept in the truck. Damn, I must be adventurous!!!
So, now that I'm on dialysis, I really can't afford to be that adventurous...and I miss it. So, that brings me back to the fact that I really need a transplant, sooner than later. All my nurses agree. Everyone I know agrees. It just comes back around to that, though.'s way past my bedtime.
Good night, sweetheart...ta-ta, for now!!
(poofski) :-)
Here is the sweet little, undermaintained Isuzu that I made my trip in.
As I was getting ready to leave, I told my three cats that I was going to see Dick Biondi, who was newly out of work, and that I'd be back a few days, most likely. To which my cat Jerry replied, "Meow-WOW-i." (He was trying to say "Biondi"; to this day, I'm convinced of that.)
And, this time of day--12:04AM on the 24th--I had either just crossed the California/Nevada state line, or hadn't quite yet crossed it. I really don't remember.
And thus began my long, long, long trip halfway across the country. Everywhere I went, was this horrible heatwave! I would have roasted to death had my air conditioner not been working. BUT--too damn bad we forgot to maintain the transmission before I left. In the driveway as I type, sits this Isuzu...because the transmission only lasted about a year after I returned from my trip--from San Diego, CA, to East Dundee, IL. Going there, I actually did stop to spend the night at various places along the way. I remember seeing a town called What Cheer, Iowa. What an odd name for a place, I thought. Coming back here, I pulled over to those rest stops and slept in the truck. Damn, I must be adventurous!!!
So, now that I'm on dialysis, I really can't afford to be that adventurous...and I miss it. So, that brings me back to the fact that I really need a transplant, sooner than later. All my nurses agree. Everyone I know agrees. It just comes back around to that, though.'s way past my bedtime.
Good night, sweetheart...ta-ta, for now!!
(poofski) :-)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
By the way~~~ I got 100%!!! YES!!! YES!!!
It's been a very good week, except the stress.
Wednesday, I went over to the DMV, first thing. In fact, I didn't know they open at 9am on Wednesdays, so I was over there waiting in a line that went from National City to Lemon Grove (stick with me here, and you'll find out how I sometimes exaggerate; forgive me), because it was still 15 minutes till opening.
Once the place opened, the line moved fast, and I was in there taking my driving test before I knew it.
No, there was no behind-the-wheel test for me, as I only moved back from out of state. But, I presume I'd have gotten 100% on that too, if I had to.
I must say, the Online Sample Tests really helped. For me, I think that's what made all the difference. I studied hard and long, and long and hard. I lost much sleep trying to get all that information down, and my hard work was worth it.
Last year, in March 2008, I only got 75% on my Ohio driving test. That was barely passing. But, they don't have Online Sample Tests to help people pass...and they have more questions.
Never, in all my 23 years of being a licensed driver, did I ever get 100% on a written driving test. Just this time!!!
I love it when that happens!!!
So, now I'm officially a California driver--again, and this time it'd better be for good!!!!! Damn, it'd better be for good!!!! I'm not going to play "musical states" again, not after all the hard work I've gone through to come back here!!
I'll definitely visit my furbabies in Ohio, but to live in, I prefer California, for obvious reasons.
I wasn't going to come back to my blog this weekend, but I wanted to share that wonderful info with you, about my perfect driving test.
Have a lovely, lovely weekend, one and all!!! I'll probably be doing some de-rusting, some painting, some car improvements, etc... And Sunday evening, I can wash the car, again, to get it ready for its trip to the shop.
Love ya!!
Ta-taaaaaaaaaa, for now!
Wednesday, I went over to the DMV, first thing. In fact, I didn't know they open at 9am on Wednesdays, so I was over there waiting in a line that went from National City to Lemon Grove (stick with me here, and you'll find out how I sometimes exaggerate; forgive me), because it was still 15 minutes till opening.
Once the place opened, the line moved fast, and I was in there taking my driving test before I knew it.
No, there was no behind-the-wheel test for me, as I only moved back from out of state. But, I presume I'd have gotten 100% on that too, if I had to.
I must say, the Online Sample Tests really helped. For me, I think that's what made all the difference. I studied hard and long, and long and hard. I lost much sleep trying to get all that information down, and my hard work was worth it.
Last year, in March 2008, I only got 75% on my Ohio driving test. That was barely passing. But, they don't have Online Sample Tests to help people pass...and they have more questions.
Never, in all my 23 years of being a licensed driver, did I ever get 100% on a written driving test. Just this time!!!
I love it when that happens!!!
So, now I'm officially a California driver--again, and this time it'd better be for good!!!!! Damn, it'd better be for good!!!! I'm not going to play "musical states" again, not after all the hard work I've gone through to come back here!!
I'll definitely visit my furbabies in Ohio, but to live in, I prefer California, for obvious reasons.
I wasn't going to come back to my blog this weekend, but I wanted to share that wonderful info with you, about my perfect driving test.
Have a lovely, lovely weekend, one and all!!! I'll probably be doing some de-rusting, some painting, some car improvements, etc... And Sunday evening, I can wash the car, again, to get it ready for its trip to the shop.
Love ya!!
Ta-taaaaaaaaaa, for now!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Too many surgeries here~~
So yesterday, my surgeon checked to see if he could put a new "PD" catheter in. The game plan was that, if he could, he would, and I'd look forward to resuming "PD" (peritoneal dialysis) as soon as the catheter is ready to use, probably in about a month. And if not, he'd have put in another blasted graft, this time in my left arm, and I'd again have had to be a "one-arm wonder". I am VERY pleased to report that he was able to put a new "PD" catheter in. I will soon be able to say "Hasta la vista" to the hemo. routine...going in to Fresenius for three and a half hours a day, three days a week...not able to do anything but read, listen to CD's (Naturally, Bobby Jameson gets more play than any other CD I drag along with me), do needle point, etc... That's a huge chunk out of my car repair and improvement (de-rusting; painting; etc.). So, now I'll have that time of my day back. YES!!! YES!!!
I will have to stay on the "PD" machine for 9 hours a night, but that's a small chunk of my time compared to what hemo. has been. And, I can do it at home, so I'll be my own nurse. Any mistakes made, I can give myself forty lashes with a wet tail (let me try to put a picture of that up; last time I tried to put a picture on here, it didn't work; hang on.)

OK...THAT tail. (TOLD ya I look hot in that tiger suit), that's where I was most of yesterday: having a medical procedure, and being kind of "loopsy" on anesthesia and painkillers. I'm still a little "loopsy" on painkillers, but I think the anesthesia finally wore off.
I could've strangled my dialysis technician today. I had to race over to Costco Pharmacy to get my meds after treatment. Naturally, that didn't dawn on her, as she disconnected me 10 minutes later than I had expected, and then took another 10 minutes to change my dressing. So then, I had to race over to Costco, getting there with two minutes to spare. Thankfully, the two pharmacy clerks were still there. They'd closed off the pick-up window, but when I ran up to them as fast as I could, short of breath, and begged them to please let me get my meds, they did. Bless their hearts. They were very good to me.
Either way you slice it, dialysis is full of sacrifices and a lower quality of life. That must be why I'm praying with all my heart that I'll live to get a transplant, before I go completely nuts.
Oh, wait....I might already be completely nuts. Any woman who runs around the house in a tiger suit, just to blend in with the cats.... Awwwwwwwwww, let me have that one little bit of understandable insanity, please, thanks.
I warned you. A little while ago, I said I was "loopsy". Forgive my rambling.
And, that's the latest around here.
I'm kind of stressed out, too.
I WANT very much to be given THIS car...beautiful paint, very little rust.
BUT, I'm afraid I might be given THIS car back...damn flimsy paint, more rust than on most 14-year-old SUV's... Although I've put a lot into it already ($700 tires; $300 shocks; had most of the front end re-done, even did some of the work myself), I think I can part with it, considering I'd be spending another five years just taking all the rust off and painting it...

So, I'm kind of stressed. My "sweetheart" is kind of stressed. When it's all said and done, it's nice to be able to come here and vent my spleen a little, so forgive me.
Gotta go for now.
Have a LOVELY weekend!!!
Good night, sweetheart, good night, and ta-ta, for now!!
I will have to stay on the "PD" machine for 9 hours a night, but that's a small chunk of my time compared to what hemo. has been. And, I can do it at home, so I'll be my own nurse. Any mistakes made, I can give myself forty lashes with a wet tail (let me try to put a picture of that up; last time I tried to put a picture on here, it didn't work; hang on.)

OK...THAT tail. (TOLD ya I look hot in that tiger suit), that's where I was most of yesterday: having a medical procedure, and being kind of "loopsy" on anesthesia and painkillers. I'm still a little "loopsy" on painkillers, but I think the anesthesia finally wore off.
I could've strangled my dialysis technician today. I had to race over to Costco Pharmacy to get my meds after treatment. Naturally, that didn't dawn on her, as she disconnected me 10 minutes later than I had expected, and then took another 10 minutes to change my dressing. So then, I had to race over to Costco, getting there with two minutes to spare. Thankfully, the two pharmacy clerks were still there. They'd closed off the pick-up window, but when I ran up to them as fast as I could, short of breath, and begged them to please let me get my meds, they did. Bless their hearts. They were very good to me.
Either way you slice it, dialysis is full of sacrifices and a lower quality of life. That must be why I'm praying with all my heart that I'll live to get a transplant, before I go completely nuts.
Oh, wait....I might already be completely nuts. Any woman who runs around the house in a tiger suit, just to blend in with the cats.... Awwwwwwwwww, let me have that one little bit of understandable insanity, please, thanks.
I warned you. A little while ago, I said I was "loopsy". Forgive my rambling.
And, that's the latest around here.
I'm kind of stressed out, too.
I WANT very much to be given THIS car...beautiful paint, very little rust.
BUT, I'm afraid I might be given THIS car back...damn flimsy paint, more rust than on most 14-year-old SUV's... Although I've put a lot into it already ($700 tires; $300 shocks; had most of the front end re-done, even did some of the work myself), I think I can part with it, considering I'd be spending another five years just taking all the rust off and painting it...
So, I'm kind of stressed. My "sweetheart" is kind of stressed. When it's all said and done, it's nice to be able to come here and vent my spleen a little, so forgive me.
Gotta go for now.
Have a LOVELY weekend!!!
Good night, sweetheart, good night, and ta-ta, for now!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It's been twee long years~~~
It's now midnight in Chicago, which means it's now July 12th there, so I might as well post this while I have a free minute.
Three years ago today, was "Black Wednesday". Numerous layoffs at CBS/Infinity, across the country, including WJMK in Chicago. Three of their DJ's, one of whom was Dick Biondi, were mercilessly laid off--just like that. True, they were allowed to say goodbye before being let go, but it left many a loyal fan (myself included) broken though a part of our lives had come to an end.
I still remember Dick's final sign-off from 'JMK. I remember how he sounded like he was fighting back the tears. And, to this day, listening to that aircheck brings tears to my eyes as well.
My Blogger photo is of Dick Biondi and myself, from July 28, 2006. As Dick was out of work, I was afraid I'd never have another chance to see "The Wild Itralian" I drove out there from here (San Diego), and Dick made me glad that I did, although I was having problems due to kidney failure.
In November, 2006, Dick Biondi returned to the WZZN, which is now WLS-FM. A cheap re-use of WLS-AM's logo from the '70's...but some fans like the nostalgic flavor of that. Dick was on WLS-AM in the early '60's.
To this day, by the way, I haven't seen Dick again in person. We had been in touch by phone and by email, until recently. I hope that if someone runs into this, and happens to know Dick, that they can let him know this loyal fan says hello.
That's all I wanted to say for now.
I took four Percocets this evening, so I'm a little too loopy to be able to say anything else coherent at the moment.
So....good night, sweethearts, goodnight...and ta-ta, for now!!!!!
Three years ago today, was "Black Wednesday". Numerous layoffs at CBS/Infinity, across the country, including WJMK in Chicago. Three of their DJ's, one of whom was Dick Biondi, were mercilessly laid off--just like that. True, they were allowed to say goodbye before being let go, but it left many a loyal fan (myself included) broken though a part of our lives had come to an end.
I still remember Dick's final sign-off from 'JMK. I remember how he sounded like he was fighting back the tears. And, to this day, listening to that aircheck brings tears to my eyes as well.
My Blogger photo is of Dick Biondi and myself, from July 28, 2006. As Dick was out of work, I was afraid I'd never have another chance to see "The Wild Itralian" I drove out there from here (San Diego), and Dick made me glad that I did, although I was having problems due to kidney failure.
In November, 2006, Dick Biondi returned to the WZZN, which is now WLS-FM. A cheap re-use of WLS-AM's logo from the '70's...but some fans like the nostalgic flavor of that. Dick was on WLS-AM in the early '60's.
To this day, by the way, I haven't seen Dick again in person. We had been in touch by phone and by email, until recently. I hope that if someone runs into this, and happens to know Dick, that they can let him know this loyal fan says hello.
That's all I wanted to say for now.
I took four Percocets this evening, so I'm a little too loopy to be able to say anything else coherent at the moment.
So....good night, sweethearts, goodnight...and ta-ta, for now!!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Cat Tales
((By the way, WHAT the heck is going on with this Blogger??? I can't seem to post photos tonight...weird!!))
It's July 8th!
So, I thought I'd share some cat tales with you.
These both have to do with my Jerry-son.
Jerry...that remarkably brilliant, handsome, and sweet kitty...
It was three years ago. I had to reach past Jerry to get a glass of water, and I told him so (just call me "the kitty whisperer"). So, what did my boy do?? He replied, "Meow-Wa-Wa." He heard me call it "wa-wa" (kitten talk for "water"), so he repeated what he heard me say. Smart cat!!
Then, later in July, I was getting ready to leave to go to East Dundee, see Dick Biondi (that's where my Blogger picture comes from, by the way). I told my cats who I was going to see. Remember, the name "Biondi" must have stuck with Jerry. And, he repeated as best he could: "Meow-WOW-i!!" Now, is that a smart cat, or what?? I tell you, I'm amazed at what my three "little angels" can do!!
Tony sometimes "drags" me to his "crunchy" dish so I can watch him eat. He says "Wah?", repeatedly, looking me in the eye every time, and making sure I'm following him, until we reach his "crunchy", I get to watch him eat.
Tony is also the one who was sooooo afraid of my first "PD" machine...that's what inspired me to call dialysis machines "Moonsters." So, thanks to my Tony-son, I can safely say, I see the "Moonster" three days a week. That's one way of looking at it, right?? And I couldn't agree more...thanks, son!!!
Mup is the one who talks up whole paragraphs when she has something on her mind. She's so adorable! Her favorite way of talking is "Meow-WAH". Like that.
Well, I'd better call it a night now (I'm so sorry; I probably said that on my last posting...well, now I mean it).
Good night, and ta-ta for now, for sure!!
It's July 8th!
So, I thought I'd share some cat tales with you.
These both have to do with my Jerry-son.
Jerry...that remarkably brilliant, handsome, and sweet kitty...
It was three years ago. I had to reach past Jerry to get a glass of water, and I told him so (just call me "the kitty whisperer"). So, what did my boy do?? He replied, "Meow-Wa-Wa." He heard me call it "wa-wa" (kitten talk for "water"), so he repeated what he heard me say. Smart cat!!
Then, later in July, I was getting ready to leave to go to East Dundee, see Dick Biondi (that's where my Blogger picture comes from, by the way). I told my cats who I was going to see. Remember, the name "Biondi" must have stuck with Jerry. And, he repeated as best he could: "Meow-WOW-i!!" Now, is that a smart cat, or what?? I tell you, I'm amazed at what my three "little angels" can do!!
Tony sometimes "drags" me to his "crunchy" dish so I can watch him eat. He says "Wah?", repeatedly, looking me in the eye every time, and making sure I'm following him, until we reach his "crunchy", I get to watch him eat.
Tony is also the one who was sooooo afraid of my first "PD" machine...that's what inspired me to call dialysis machines "Moonsters." So, thanks to my Tony-son, I can safely say, I see the "Moonster" three days a week. That's one way of looking at it, right?? And I couldn't agree more...thanks, son!!!
Mup is the one who talks up whole paragraphs when she has something on her mind. She's so adorable! Her favorite way of talking is "Meow-WAH". Like that.
Well, I'd better call it a night now (I'm so sorry; I probably said that on my last posting...well, now I mean it).
Good night, and ta-ta for now, for sure!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So...back to needing a new kidney...
Sooner than later, by the way.
There are certain positions I get myself in, while I'm busy working, where I can feel the water rush to my head. I probably would NEVER feel the blood rush to my head in those positions, but having too much water build up in me between treatments, since after all, no water escapes me at all except during dialysis, naturally, this means I end up with more water in my blood than the average bear.
I'm so tired of dialysis, I truly am. I lose all kinds of valuable time that I could be here the house, working on my car (cleaning, etc.)...rather than sitting in that blasted chair doing nothing.
I probably shouldn't squawk too much. At least I have 3 and a half hours to myself, to listen to Bobby Jameson (on CD, of course!!), read, learn needlepoint, etc. But, I get stressed when I feel like there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done because I have to lose that much time out of my productivity. Make sense??? I hope so.
Forgive me for rambling. It's been a long day. I did more painting (of car parts), and cleaning the house. And I didn't get a nap in. And, it's 10:30pm, so I'm tired and just about to call it a night, but wanted to get that water retention rant off of my chest.
(P.S.: Don't those Isuzu Rodeos (which is what I have) and Honda Passports look absolutely LOVELY in white???? I sure think so!!) ;-)
Good night, sweethearts...and, ta-ta for now!
There are certain positions I get myself in, while I'm busy working, where I can feel the water rush to my head. I probably would NEVER feel the blood rush to my head in those positions, but having too much water build up in me between treatments, since after all, no water escapes me at all except during dialysis, naturally, this means I end up with more water in my blood than the average bear.
I'm so tired of dialysis, I truly am. I lose all kinds of valuable time that I could be here the house, working on my car (cleaning, etc.)...rather than sitting in that blasted chair doing nothing.
I probably shouldn't squawk too much. At least I have 3 and a half hours to myself, to listen to Bobby Jameson (on CD, of course!!), read, learn needlepoint, etc. But, I get stressed when I feel like there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done because I have to lose that much time out of my productivity. Make sense??? I hope so.
Forgive me for rambling. It's been a long day. I did more painting (of car parts), and cleaning the house. And I didn't get a nap in. And, it's 10:30pm, so I'm tired and just about to call it a night, but wanted to get that water retention rant off of my chest.
(P.S.: Don't those Isuzu Rodeos (which is what I have) and Honda Passports look absolutely LOVELY in white???? I sure think so!!) ;-)
Good night, sweethearts...and, ta-ta for now!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy 4th!! And, question re: ice chips
Once again, Happy July 4th!!! Hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!!
I have a question.
You see, I've been hooked on ice chips ever since about a year ago. It may go along with a couple of things. It may be related to when I found out that a cup of ice has about 1/10th of the water that a cup of water does, and that turned me on to ice due to my fluid restrictions (from being on hemodialysis--YUK!). Or, it may be related to my on-again-off-again anemia (and I've had both iron-deficiency anemia, AND erythropoetin-deficiency anemia). Or...and this is a wild, wild may be related to my not "getting any" for a year and a half. Now, that last choice there is probably way out in left field. But, I won't turn down the possibility that it could be what's causing my ice chip fixation.
I'm just wondering WHY I have this ice chip fixation, and I'm wondering, because two or three of my teeth are now temperature-sensitive, to the point of where I have to chew my ice on the other side of my mouth. Fortunately, none of these are teeth that would affect my wonderful smile, so no need to worry on that. But, all 28 of my teeth have been near-perfect all my life (except when I had braces), so I'm concerned, and I want to save my teeth from destruction-by-ice-chips, if I can at all.
Once again, Happy 4th!!
Love ya!!
Good night, sweethearts, and ta-ta for now!!
I have a question.
You see, I've been hooked on ice chips ever since about a year ago. It may go along with a couple of things. It may be related to when I found out that a cup of ice has about 1/10th of the water that a cup of water does, and that turned me on to ice due to my fluid restrictions (from being on hemodialysis--YUK!). Or, it may be related to my on-again-off-again anemia (and I've had both iron-deficiency anemia, AND erythropoetin-deficiency anemia). Or...and this is a wild, wild may be related to my not "getting any" for a year and a half. Now, that last choice there is probably way out in left field. But, I won't turn down the possibility that it could be what's causing my ice chip fixation.
I'm just wondering WHY I have this ice chip fixation, and I'm wondering, because two or three of my teeth are now temperature-sensitive, to the point of where I have to chew my ice on the other side of my mouth. Fortunately, none of these are teeth that would affect my wonderful smile, so no need to worry on that. But, all 28 of my teeth have been near-perfect all my life (except when I had braces), so I'm concerned, and I want to save my teeth from destruction-by-ice-chips, if I can at all.
Once again, Happy 4th!!
Love ya!!
Good night, sweethearts, and ta-ta for now!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wishing my readers a wonderful, safe, and Happy July 4th!!
Forgive me for being a little early on this, but I wanted to take the time now, while I'm online, to wish any reader that I may have a VERY safe, happy, and fun July 4th!!!!!!
I tried to post this about an hour or two ago, but there was an error and the whole thing went poof. After a much-needed break, and after taking a couple Percocets for my headache (and tailbone ache), I thought I'd come back and again try to say Happy July 4th!!
Whatever this holiday brings you, I hope it works for you!!!
Personally, I'm going to be very busy this month. Besides car cleaning and repair, I have a lot of doctors' appointments. Tomorrow, I'll have two Transplant evaluations, so finally we're getting the ball rolling again on that level. In case you missed it, I'm back in San Diego, so this will be at Sharp Memorial Hospital, where I'm trying to get relisted. I remember that I got fed up with the Cleveland Clinic and how they cancelled my transplant at the last minute, and with no obvious reason. That was NOT why I moved back here, but it happened just before I left Cleveland. Coincidence??? Maybe-most likely. Just another coincidence for me to make a note of.
I had more to say here, but the Percocet is starting to make me rather loopsy, so I'll come back when I feel more coherent. I hope you understand. I'm sure you do.
By the way: I am NOT addicted to Percocet, nor could I ever be. Although I have a history of an addictive behavior (i.e., I had an eating disorder many years ago), I could NEVER bring myself to get addicted to Percocet or anything else. Yes, I've been addicted to Excedrin, but that's different. When it's a prescription narcotic, I can force myself to hold back. Maybe because it's so hard to get refills for narcotics...I don't know what it is, but I'll be OK; trust me.
And, I've gotta start winding it down for the night, so...
Good night, sweethearts!!! Ta-ta, for now!!
Love ya!!
I tried to post this about an hour or two ago, but there was an error and the whole thing went poof. After a much-needed break, and after taking a couple Percocets for my headache (and tailbone ache), I thought I'd come back and again try to say Happy July 4th!!
Whatever this holiday brings you, I hope it works for you!!!
Personally, I'm going to be very busy this month. Besides car cleaning and repair, I have a lot of doctors' appointments. Tomorrow, I'll have two Transplant evaluations, so finally we're getting the ball rolling again on that level. In case you missed it, I'm back in San Diego, so this will be at Sharp Memorial Hospital, where I'm trying to get relisted. I remember that I got fed up with the Cleveland Clinic and how they cancelled my transplant at the last minute, and with no obvious reason. That was NOT why I moved back here, but it happened just before I left Cleveland. Coincidence??? Maybe-most likely. Just another coincidence for me to make a note of.
I had more to say here, but the Percocet is starting to make me rather loopsy, so I'll come back when I feel more coherent. I hope you understand. I'm sure you do.
By the way: I am NOT addicted to Percocet, nor could I ever be. Although I have a history of an addictive behavior (i.e., I had an eating disorder many years ago), I could NEVER bring myself to get addicted to Percocet or anything else. Yes, I've been addicted to Excedrin, but that's different. When it's a prescription narcotic, I can force myself to hold back. Maybe because it's so hard to get refills for narcotics...I don't know what it is, but I'll be OK; trust me.
And, I've gotta start winding it down for the night, so...
Good night, sweethearts!!! Ta-ta, for now!!
Love ya!!
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