Saturday, December 29, 2007

Anyone have a kidney they can spare??? Pretty please???

Actually, I can answer that one from a technical standpoint. We humans really only need one good kidney to survive and thrive. Why, then, are there so many who put an astronomical dollar value on their kidneys that people who need one can't have one??
Let me tell you why I am asking if anyone can spare one. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease some 20 years ago. My kidneys got large and so full of cysts that they only had about 10% or less of their function left, and whenever a cyst would burst--which was more often near the end than ever--I'd be in so much pain that I would have to cry myself to sleep. I still remember the kidney infection I had in early November. I was a wreck. So finally, on November 29 of this year, I had both kidneys taken out...that's called a nephrectomy, by the way, and it had to be done--trust me. This leaves me with no kidneys. I'm currently on back-up hemodialysis, and will soon return to the comparatively joyful peritoneal dialysis. But either way, dialysis of any kind isn't a piece of cake. I often wonder why I bother. I loathe having to get up before 6am and drag myself out in 41 degree weather to go to the hemodialysis clinic three days a week. I can't stand not having my wonderful pet cats in the room with me when I do peritoneal dialysis at home. And also, I read somewhere that dialysis is much costlier in the long run than is a transplant. I sure would like to have even just one kidney that works. Can anyone help?
My blood type is A+, so I can have a kidney from someone whose blood type is either A or O. I'm moving to Cleveland, OH pretty soon (it's currently Dec. 29, 2007).
If you can help, please drop me a line. Keep in mind, I have absolutely no money that I can offer you. And also, speaking of that, it is the recipient, NOT the donor, who has the longest hospital stay and who suffers the most financially and who has the highest risk to their life. Think of that for a while. I know that I miss having a working kidney, but I do NOT put a dollar value of any kind on having one; a good working kidney is priceless.