Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th!! And, question re: ice chips

Once again, Happy July 4th!!! Hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!!
I have a question.
You see, I've been hooked on ice chips ever since about a year ago. It may go along with a couple of things. It may be related to when I found out that a cup of ice has about 1/10th of the water that a cup of water does, and that turned me on to ice due to my fluid restrictions (from being on hemodialysis--YUK!). Or, it may be related to my on-again-off-again anemia (and I've had both iron-deficiency anemia, AND erythropoetin-deficiency anemia). Or...and this is a wild, wild may be related to my not "getting any" for a year and a half. Now, that last choice there is probably way out in left field. But, I won't turn down the possibility that it could be what's causing my ice chip fixation.
I'm just wondering WHY I have this ice chip fixation, and I'm wondering, because two or three of my teeth are now temperature-sensitive, to the point of where I have to chew my ice on the other side of my mouth. Fortunately, none of these are teeth that would affect my wonderful smile, so no need to worry on that. But, all 28 of my teeth have been near-perfect all my life (except when I had braces), so I'm concerned, and I want to save my teeth from destruction-by-ice-chips, if I can at all.
Once again, Happy 4th!!
Love ya!!
Good night, sweethearts, and ta-ta for now!!