Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Always Something...(Subtitle: Missing Cat...again)

Haven't yet been able to resolve the Medicare/Medi-Cal issue, and now of course, it'll have to wait till Monday.
But, I wanted to come back here and put the word out again.
We have a missing cat.
I am no stranger to this problem, as we had two missing cats back in 2003. One was my Jerry. I got him back. His brother Socks had disappeared the same day, and he remains missing.
Now, we have lost Felene.
She is the girl in the first surviving litter of Twig's.
Felene was born Apr. 3, 2001, but is small for her age.
Her tail is about 3/4ths length...not a full tail, but not a cotton tail like her younger sister Mup.
Her fur is black mostly, but with some brown highlights and some white strands too.
Her eyes are green.
She was last seen about a week ago, and when last seen, she was wearing a white flea collar.
I somehow got the false notion that either the neighbors we had seven years ago who would have stolen someone else's pet, had moved out or had changed their stripes for the better and would no longer do that.
But, obviously, I was wrong, because Felene would never wander far on her own, and she'd never be gone from here for as long as a week without checking in.
If anyone reading this blog knows anything about Felene, PLEASE leave a comment...and/or email...and/or...well, I guess you can't call...however, if you know my Facebook profile, go into my "Info" tab and you'll find my cell phone number...then, you can call.
Thank you for your interest and your concern.
The photo is of Bouff-Man, Felene's twin brother...and Felene. Bouff has an ID tag. Felene's white collar is visible enough that you can see it's there.
Thank you again.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Thought I'd let you know, my Tony isn't diabetic. He had his follow-up test last Monday (Presidents' Day). He's fine...his Grandmama (my mom) just has to put him on a new diet, so he can lose some weight. That's good, because I don't want him to have other health problems related to his size.
And, I'm not diabetic either, we presume. We presume that my sugar level was slightly elevated because I had been trying to get myself rehydrated with Gatorade the morning of my blood test.
So, that's good.
I'll be right back.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Like Tony...

Today, I got another bit of news...not necessarily bad, but not necessarily good.
My blood glucose level is slightly elevated. Should be 110 at the highest. Mine is 115. So, not too high, but still... Just like my cat, Tony.
Next week is Tony's follow-up blood test, to determine whether he's diabetic or not.
Soon, I'll need a follow-up test too, for the same reason.
I'm taking after one of my furbabies! YIKES!
Now, I thought maybe Tony got like that because he's so aligned with his Grandmama (my mom), who has been diabetic since Apr. 2001.
Jerry seems to be most aligned with me...I sure hope he doesn't start showing diabetic tendencies!!!!!!!!
My every thought and prayer is with Tony, and Jerry, and Mup too, and myself.
Gotta run for now.