Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Like Tony...

Today, I got another bit of news...not necessarily bad, but not necessarily good.
My blood glucose level is slightly elevated. Should be 110 at the highest. Mine is 115. So, not too high, but still... Just like my cat, Tony.
Next week is Tony's follow-up blood test, to determine whether he's diabetic or not.
Soon, I'll need a follow-up test too, for the same reason.
I'm taking after one of my furbabies! YIKES!
Now, I thought maybe Tony got like that because he's so aligned with his Grandmama (my mom), who has been diabetic since Apr. 2001.
Jerry seems to be most aligned with me...I sure hope he doesn't start showing diabetic tendencies!!!!!!!!
My every thought and prayer is with Tony, and Jerry, and Mup too, and myself.
Gotta run for now.