I (obviously) made it back from my surgery. DAMN, my arm hurts, though!!
Let’s see. First of all, we got all kinds of snow the night before, so the drive there went slower than normal, and we got there a little later than expected.
Now I thought I remembered being told to go to J1. If you’re not familiar with the Cleveland Clinic, I think there’s a way to get a map on their website. I was told to go to J1. But, at J1, I was told to go to P20, which I think is one of the new sections. So, off I went, to P20. There, the check-in routine was pretty normal.
Then, for my experience in the prep room. As I sort of expected, the hardest part involved the needles. First there was a needle to get the IV going. The nurse had to try that one twice because the first time, my arm was too tense (gee…wonder why). I am NOT a needle person…so that’s ALWAYS the hardest part of medical procedures for me. But in spite of that, I was finally ready to go to the O.R. I thought I asked to be sedated so that I’d be awake but not care what was going on, but the doctor apparently thought it would be best if I was put to sleep---so I was. I guess that was a good thing…except that when I woke up, my throat was so scratchy (from the breathing tube) that it was on fire. Know what I learned helps that? Ice. (hmmmmm….almost reminds me of my favorite perfume—“Fire and Ice”.)
This surgery that was supposed to take 3 hours…took more like 8 hours altogether! I checked in at 7:43AM, and got out of there at about 5pm. Everything seemed to take so long. Then, just as I had one foot out the door, the nurse had to be sure the graft sounded normal. Sorry; I’m still not sure how that works.
So I now have an AV graft in my right arm, which is slightly swollen and bruised. The doctor told me the brusing and swelling will clear up in a couple weeks. But, here I am. I’m lucky to be typing! I was told that I could type, as long as I keep my arm relatively flat and elevated…and not too active.
If you were to ask me a question about how it went, I could probably give you an answer…but since I was under anesthetic, and then took two Percocets for pain, I’m a little too loopy to remember much, other than how much of a challenge it was to stick me with the needles.
With that, I’ll close for now.
By the way..Friday, around 7-ish, we have to take my cat Muppet to the vet, so she can have a root pulled. Somehow, she apparently lost a tooth, and all that's left is the root. The vet recommended that the root be taken out, as it's a good source of infection. Poor little Mup! Well...like I told her...if I can do it, she can do it. She can go through with her surgery, just as I went through mine. Now if only I could get her to take her tapeworm med.!!
And with that, I'll close for now.
When I was trying to find a kidney donor, I decided to share some experiences that I had that were related to my painfully time on dialysis. On Sep. 1, 2010, I finally received a living-donor transplant. I still want to use this blog to let you know a bit about my personal history. I sincerely hope that you'll read, and get to know me a little. I will also tell you about my wonderful cats from time to time, so please...read on. Thank you!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today's my surgery...

Well, today's my surgery. I get to have one of these clever graft things put in my right arm.
Damn, I'm nervous! Looks like the doctor is actually going to have to handle an artery and a vein. That sounds like such a delicate procedure! One slip, and who knows what could happen.
Not only that, but if you refer to said picture, you can see that this will mean needles during dialysis. Two needles. Four hours a day or so. Three days a week. True, this will mean better treatment, and less risk of infections. But, I have heard of people getting graft infections, and getting injured by the needles. And, I am NOT a needle person. Damn, this is all making me so nervous!
I sure wish the doctor would give me something to calm my little nerves, because I'm definitely nervous.
I hope I'm back tomorrow, but in case not, I love you. I'm supposed to be back to normal by tomorrow night...all other things being equal. So, I should be back here then. Fair warning, though: I'll probably be somewhat loopy from whatever painkillers I'm on. That's just a semi-educated guess.
On the plus side, this is supposed to be the week I find out if my potential donor is a match. I still haven't heard from him yet. But I did hear from one more possible donor. So, we'll see.
Damn, I'm nervous about this graft surgery!
I'll let you know tomorrow how it went---so that should give us both something to look forward to!! ;-)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Good news...sort of
So "Project Jerry", for me, seemed to trigger my health problems.
Let me back-track again, though. I had been diagnosed with PKD in 1987. I did nothing whatsoever to bring that about. It was a complete surprise, and to this day, I couldn't explain it if I tried.
Good news--sort of. My phosphorus level is back down to a relatively normal level. It pays to take my phosphate binders.
But, my potassium level is still high. DAMN! I told the dietician, wouldn't it be great if there was such a thing as potassium binders...I'd be all over such a thing in a heartbeat, if there was such a thing!
The thing with potassium is, if it's either too high OR too low, it can cause heart problems. So I'd do well, I guess, to watch that.
Just think...once I get a transplant, I'll not only be nice and thin again, but also, all my levels will go back down to where they should be.
Oh, the other thing...treatment today left me with a slight headache. Since I took Excedrin before I left, I can only think of one explanation for that: "analgesic rebound." That's gotta be behind this headache. I'm not even tachycardiac this time, so I can't blame that.
That's the other thing. I've now heard of, and had plenty of, dialysis-related headaches. But I've NEVER heard of a transplant-related headache! So I can presume I'll be at least slightly more comfortable then...
That said, I'm going to catch a quick kitty nap, and then I'll be back later.
Let me back-track again, though. I had been diagnosed with PKD in 1987. I did nothing whatsoever to bring that about. It was a complete surprise, and to this day, I couldn't explain it if I tried.
Good news--sort of. My phosphorus level is back down to a relatively normal level. It pays to take my phosphate binders.
But, my potassium level is still high. DAMN! I told the dietician, wouldn't it be great if there was such a thing as potassium binders...I'd be all over such a thing in a heartbeat, if there was such a thing!
The thing with potassium is, if it's either too high OR too low, it can cause heart problems. So I'd do well, I guess, to watch that.
Just think...once I get a transplant, I'll not only be nice and thin again, but also, all my levels will go back down to where they should be.
Oh, the other thing...treatment today left me with a slight headache. Since I took Excedrin before I left, I can only think of one explanation for that: "analgesic rebound." That's gotta be behind this headache. I'm not even tachycardiac this time, so I can't blame that.
That's the other thing. I've now heard of, and had plenty of, dialysis-related headaches. But I've NEVER heard of a transplant-related headache! So I can presume I'll be at least slightly more comfortable then...
That said, I'm going to catch a quick kitty nap, and then I'll be back later.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"Project Jerry"

By the way, Tony--my handsome, 19-pound cat, whom I will probably not be able to hold for a few years, got a clean bill of health today...except that he, like his siblings, has to have his teeth cleaned.
I wanted to mention something called "Project Jerry". I want to mention this just about now, because it was quite a turning point for me...one which I haven't fully recovered from exactly. The stress of it added up...and here I am. Now, my side of "Project Jerry" is as follows.
Monday, April 28, 2003, was when it started for me. I had overslept, so only had time to get the cats a quick kitty breakfast on my way out the door. (back then, I was still working full-time) I noticed, briefly, that Socks and Jerry didn't check in for their kitty breakfast the way they usually did. But, I didn't really have time to think much of it. I'd just see them later, after I got home. Well...I got home, and still no Socks or Jerry. Hmmmmm....
Now let me back up a bit, and explain something. You see, I had known Socks since he was about a month old. But Jerry, I'd known since the day he was born. So, naturally, Jerry's being missing hit me a lot harder than Socks. Not that I didn't miss Socks quite a bit, but Jerry was one of my special little angels. I remember thinking I should do a few things to try to lure Jerry back, from wherever the hell he was. So I fed the outdoor kitties, gave them some milk, and swept the patio. I knew that my Jerry--if he were around--would have come running from almost anywhere to catch the broom...so I swept.
As nothing was bringing my little furbaby back, I went for a long, long walk through the neighborhood. I looked for Jerry. I called his name. I checked every single corner that I could legally check. Nothing. By the way, Socks was just another missing kitty that I really didn't have the time or the energy to deal with. If he'd come home, I'd have welcomed him with open arms. But I had only enough resources to focus on one--Jerry.
As hard as it was for me, I had to keep going to work during the week. That first weekend, we visited the Chula Vista Animal Shelter. Don't ask me why. Maybe because it was right nearby. But...not nearby enough. When we were there, they were not only of no help to us whatsoever, but also, they gave us bad information. "Oh, he wouldn't be here," they told us. "You're not in our jurisdiction." I wanted soooooo much to give THEM a "jurisdiction"!! I was thinking, too, that if Jerry were still in our jurisdiction, he would have come back home already on his own. SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, took him from me.
But, thanks to that shelter, we went out to the County Animal Shelter the rest of the weekends. And during the week, I took my search online. Every day was one more day without my little Jerry. Like I said, I had quite a bond with him by then. So, naturally, I felt like the mother of a missing child. Remember that he disappeared literally overnight on April 28.
Memorial Day weekend was rough. VERY rough. At one point, Jerry's sister Muppet was in the kitchen with me...and she looked at me as I took a kitchen knife and put it to my wrist. I truly considered doing something with that knife. But seeing this little girl kitty, who needed me just as much as her missing brother did, somehow stopped me. Thank goodness, by the way, because in spite of everything I'm going through now, I'm glad I've stuck around.
Wednesday, May 29, 2003: I went to work (again). I resumed my online search for Jerry. Only that day, I decided I was going to ignore the ill advice of the Chula Vista Animal Shelter. That day, I checked THEIR online listing of cats. This took me to something that was then called 1-800-Save-A-Pet.com (last year, it changed to Adopt-A-Pet.com). I put in my search criteria, and there...one of the first cats I saw...was Jerry!! It HAD to be Jerry, I thought! Now of course, Jerry has a twin brother--Tony. And there are others who look like they do. But this one was, without a shadow of a doubt on my part, Jerry. You know how you can generally tell one person or animal from another by the way they look??? That's what I mean. I could tell by the eyes that it was Jerry. He was thin as hell, and he looked rather sad. But it was him. (see above picture). A relatively new organization called PAWS had rescued him from the Navy base, if you can believe that. Now let me explain one more thing. The Chula Vista Animal Shelter was only 3 miles from the house. The Navy Base was 14 miles away!!!!!! Any wonder why I felt like I did the right thing in not believing that "not in our jurisdiction" story?????? Because if I had, I'd never have found the little guy. So, once I saw that picture, I e-mailed and called everyone I had to...and that night, my Jerry was returned to me, safe and sound. See??? It paid to stick around, at least that long.
Meanwhile, that degree of stress for a month must have essentially worn me out, because a month after Jerry's return, I managed to have a gallbladder attack. It was when I got that diagnosis that I also found out that my kidney function was only 15%. But, since I happened to have Kaiser at the time, I didn't get to start dialysis, as I probably should have way back then. That came years later.....toooooooooooo many years later.
So, that's "Project Jerry" for ya. Boy, have I been through a lot. But, the other thing is, I've lived. And that's one thing I'm really, truly missing just about now!!! :-)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How to outsmart a smart cat...
That's what I'm going to be doing today...trying to outsmart my smart cat, Tony.
He has to go to the "v-e-t" today, you see. Now a couple of weeks ago, I had scheduled all three of my furbabies to go in. But only Jerry and Mup went. Tony proved too clever for me and hid under the bed.
Now, it's his turn. I mean, it's my turn to outsmart him. I've gotta think about this for a few. HOW on earth to get this smart cat into his Pet Taxi??? How to keep him from hiding??? I'll sleep on it. (actually, I'd probably better sleep in my bed; it might be more comfortable).
Speaking of "comfortable": I've been having a slight headache all day today, since dialysis. I know...and I took Excedrin Migraine before I left the house. Well, you see, first of all, the dialysis left me rather tachycardiac (again). Let's see...one blood pressure reading was, I think, 49/28. HOW I managed to be standing and walking, I haven't the slightest idea! And my pulse was over 100. That's what's commonly called tachycardia--high pulse, usually with low blood pressure. I feel it too. I feel slightly lightheaded. That's also what's causing this slight headache I'm having. Not only that, but I am apparently going through what's called "analgesic rebound"...which means that the Excedrin won't be working as well.
I got to thinking....when I have a good, working kidney, I'll probably be soooooooooooo wonderfully thin!! That'd be good. That'd be all I EVER hoped for...to be nice and thin again.
Let's see...Tony..."v-e-t"...and my surgery is next week (the dreaded graft thing)...and Mup gets her little root extracted next Friday...
And pretty soon, it'll be Valentine's Day. Anyone game for being my Valentine?? :-)
He has to go to the "v-e-t" today, you see. Now a couple of weeks ago, I had scheduled all three of my furbabies to go in. But only Jerry and Mup went. Tony proved too clever for me and hid under the bed.
Now, it's his turn. I mean, it's my turn to outsmart him. I've gotta think about this for a few. HOW on earth to get this smart cat into his Pet Taxi??? How to keep him from hiding??? I'll sleep on it. (actually, I'd probably better sleep in my bed; it might be more comfortable).
Speaking of "comfortable": I've been having a slight headache all day today, since dialysis. I know...and I took Excedrin Migraine before I left the house. Well, you see, first of all, the dialysis left me rather tachycardiac (again). Let's see...one blood pressure reading was, I think, 49/28. HOW I managed to be standing and walking, I haven't the slightest idea! And my pulse was over 100. That's what's commonly called tachycardia--high pulse, usually with low blood pressure. I feel it too. I feel slightly lightheaded. That's also what's causing this slight headache I'm having. Not only that, but I am apparently going through what's called "analgesic rebound"...which means that the Excedrin won't be working as well.
I got to thinking....when I have a good, working kidney, I'll probably be soooooooooooo wonderfully thin!! That'd be good. That'd be all I EVER hoped for...to be nice and thin again.
Let's see...Tony..."v-e-t"...and my surgery is next week (the dreaded graft thing)...and Mup gets her little root extracted next Friday...
And pretty soon, it'll be Valentine's Day. Anyone game for being my Valentine?? :-)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Longer than usual time between treatments..
OK, so last week I had to switch my dialysis days around...
So I went in on Monday/Wednesday/Friday instead.
That means that I'll have a longer time between treatments this weekend, since I don't go back until this Tuesday. Friday--Tuesday=4 days. Usually we're not supposed to go that long from one treatment to another, but there's really no avoiding it this time. This makes me a little nervous, but as long as I'm careful, I'm sure nothing will happen. Sometimes dialysis patients slip into a coma if they're not careful...but I'm VERY careful, so I should be okay.
Just wanted to let you know that.
Hmmmm....I must need another transfusion. I feel like I've lost my good looks again...(*sigh*) (last May, I had to have a blood transfusion because I was so anemic; and it perked me up so much that I got all my long lost good looks back, as my picture is proof of!).
I may possibly have found a potential donor--right here in the Cleveland area. In 2 to 3 weeks (WHY so long, I have no idea!), we'll find out for sure.
So far, my weekend is--in a word--FREEEEEEZING! I need more than one or two of my cats to warm me up! I sure wish I could have stayed in San Diego!!
By...the...way: in case you're wondering, my blog was kind of/sort of named for my car (er...ah...SUV, I mean), which I no longer have, which was an Isuzu Rodeo LS. I sure miss that thing, even if it wasn't that great on gas (17 miles to a gallon, usually). I had to leave it in San Diego, with a screwed-up transmission, when I came back here last year. It's in good paws--just not mine. I sure do miss California in general! Know what, though????? I'll NEVER say that I won't visit! I'll visit, I'm sure. I'll be back, California!! With enough careful planning, and coordinating with the dialysis center here as well as there, it'll work. We dialysis patients aren't supposed to have to give up traveling, I know that. Thank goodness, because I'm at the point where I could use a good vacation.
Thanks for reading again! I'll be back soon. Hope you have a beautiful rest-of-the-weekend!
Love ya!
So I went in on Monday/Wednesday/Friday instead.
That means that I'll have a longer time between treatments this weekend, since I don't go back until this Tuesday. Friday--Tuesday=4 days. Usually we're not supposed to go that long from one treatment to another, but there's really no avoiding it this time. This makes me a little nervous, but as long as I'm careful, I'm sure nothing will happen. Sometimes dialysis patients slip into a coma if they're not careful...but I'm VERY careful, so I should be okay.
Just wanted to let you know that.
Hmmmm....I must need another transfusion. I feel like I've lost my good looks again...(*sigh*) (last May, I had to have a blood transfusion because I was so anemic; and it perked me up so much that I got all my long lost good looks back, as my picture is proof of!).
I may possibly have found a potential donor--right here in the Cleveland area. In 2 to 3 weeks (WHY so long, I have no idea!), we'll find out for sure.
So far, my weekend is--in a word--FREEEEEEZING! I need more than one or two of my cats to warm me up! I sure wish I could have stayed in San Diego!!
By...the...way: in case you're wondering, my blog was kind of/sort of named for my car (er...ah...SUV, I mean), which I no longer have, which was an Isuzu Rodeo LS. I sure miss that thing, even if it wasn't that great on gas (17 miles to a gallon, usually). I had to leave it in San Diego, with a screwed-up transmission, when I came back here last year. It's in good paws--just not mine. I sure do miss California in general! Know what, though????? I'll NEVER say that I won't visit! I'll visit, I'm sure. I'll be back, California!! With enough careful planning, and coordinating with the dialysis center here as well as there, it'll work. We dialysis patients aren't supposed to have to give up traveling, I know that. Thank goodness, because I'm at the point where I could use a good vacation.
Thanks for reading again! I'll be back soon. Hope you have a beautiful rest-of-the-weekend!
Love ya!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My 7/12th birthday...
I just realized something. It's January 16th. And that means, I'm 38 & 7/12ths today. And to think I almost didn't make it this far. But, here I am.
Sometimes I wonder exactly why I'm still here, after everything I've been through. But, I'm glad I'm still here. I mean, in general, I'm glad. Sometimes I lose that feeling, but eventually it comes back...for some reason.
Today is supposed to be a dialysis day for me, as I changed my schedule all around this week. Usually Friday is an "off" day for me, but not this week.
I'll tell you more later...or tomorrow...or over the weekend.
Sometimes I wonder exactly why I'm still here, after everything I've been through. But, I'm glad I'm still here. I mean, in general, I'm glad. Sometimes I lose that feeling, but eventually it comes back...for some reason.
Today is supposed to be a dialysis day for me, as I changed my schedule all around this week. Usually Friday is an "off" day for me, but not this week.
I'll tell you more later...or tomorrow...or over the weekend.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Truth be told, I could use a hug---
What a long, long day this was.
I had four pre-op appointments, to get ready to have a graft put in my arm for "better" dialysis treatments. That's still set for the 28th (2 more weeks).
Unfortunately, this took longer than I thought. The last appointment was supposed to be at 1:45. I didn't get out of there till about 3:45. I was having kittens by then.
I'm definitely not looking forward to all this, but I'm told it has to be done. (Notice I put the word "better", like so?? My idea of "better" does NOT involve using needles for dialysis...much less for anything else!)
Anyway, so that's the main thing. At this point, I haven't taken any Excedrin OR Percocet yet, so I'm going to have to find one and/or the other, as I feel a slight headache coming on.
Oh...I didn't tell you about that, did I??? How I started using Percocet?? Well, first of all, I'd gotten Percocet to take after one of my previous surgeries. I don't remember which previous surgery, really. So, I had a leftover bottle. And this past September, I was stricken with what was called Intractable Sciatica: my tailbone hurt so much that I could barely even walk without using crutches or a walker. That went on for about a month, during which time I discovered that the ONLY painkiller that worked for me was Percocet. So, I managed to get one more prescription of it, which I still have a couple more left over from. Generally, I don't take that anymore, now that I know Excedrin will work fine for a headache. But, if I ever need it, the Percocet is here--for a little while.
While all this is going on, I'm feeling like a good hug would help. If nothing else, it could be very therapeutic.
Thanks for reading!
I had four pre-op appointments, to get ready to have a graft put in my arm for "better" dialysis treatments. That's still set for the 28th (2 more weeks).
Unfortunately, this took longer than I thought. The last appointment was supposed to be at 1:45. I didn't get out of there till about 3:45. I was having kittens by then.
I'm definitely not looking forward to all this, but I'm told it has to be done. (Notice I put the word "better", like so?? My idea of "better" does NOT involve using needles for dialysis...much less for anything else!)
Anyway, so that's the main thing. At this point, I haven't taken any Excedrin OR Percocet yet, so I'm going to have to find one and/or the other, as I feel a slight headache coming on.
Oh...I didn't tell you about that, did I??? How I started using Percocet?? Well, first of all, I'd gotten Percocet to take after one of my previous surgeries. I don't remember which previous surgery, really. So, I had a leftover bottle. And this past September, I was stricken with what was called Intractable Sciatica: my tailbone hurt so much that I could barely even walk without using crutches or a walker. That went on for about a month, during which time I discovered that the ONLY painkiller that worked for me was Percocet. So, I managed to get one more prescription of it, which I still have a couple more left over from. Generally, I don't take that anymore, now that I know Excedrin will work fine for a headache. But, if I ever need it, the Percocet is here--for a little while.
While all this is going on, I'm feeling like a good hug would help. If nothing else, it could be very therapeutic.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Update (Yes, again)
I got an e-mail from my potential donor this evening. (I hope I'm not jinxing this whole thing by not being too overly optimistic--although, I'm trying to have enough optimism to not wish it away completely).
He says he just got tested, and we'll know in about 2 or 3 weeks if we're a good match. (that's for a transplant, of course)
Let me check my calendar. Damn! The surgery to put a graft in my arm is going to be in about 2 weeks, I think. (28-14=14...yup...2 weeks from Wednesday) So, I guess I won't be able to avoid that after all. I am NOT looking forward to being a "one-arm wonder", but it could be worse, I presume. Damn! I'm NOT going to be looking forward to having needles in my arm three days a week for almost the whole day.
Not only that, but I had kind of a rough night tonight. Somehow, I feel slightly dejected. I'll get over it, as usual. But, for now, I feel dejected....and flirty too. What a hell of a combination! It's been a long time since anyone appreciated my flirtiness. More on that later.
Hugs to ya--till next time. :-)
He says he just got tested, and we'll know in about 2 or 3 weeks if we're a good match. (that's for a transplant, of course)
Let me check my calendar. Damn! The surgery to put a graft in my arm is going to be in about 2 weeks, I think. (28-14=14...yup...2 weeks from Wednesday) So, I guess I won't be able to avoid that after all. I am NOT looking forward to being a "one-arm wonder", but it could be worse, I presume. Damn! I'm NOT going to be looking forward to having needles in my arm three days a week for almost the whole day.
Not only that, but I had kind of a rough night tonight. Somehow, I feel slightly dejected. I'll get over it, as usual. But, for now, I feel dejected....and flirty too. What a hell of a combination! It's been a long time since anyone appreciated my flirtiness. More on that later.
Hugs to ya--till next time. :-)
More good news--to a point
I almost forgot. More good news--to a point.
Well, first of all, we didn't get snowed in. That's a plus, I'd say. And, we didn't get snowed out either. I was able to get back in the driveway.
The other thing is, I got my appetite back today. Now, I'm not sure how long it'll stay, but at least I won't starve, per se. To a point, I'm glad for that.
Just wanted to add that on.
And, I'll let you know what else is going on as I find out for sure.
Keep strong--for me.
Thanks for reading!
Well, first of all, we didn't get snowed in. That's a plus, I'd say. And, we didn't get snowed out either. I was able to get back in the driveway.
The other thing is, I got my appetite back today. Now, I'm not sure how long it'll stay, but at least I won't starve, per se. To a point, I'm glad for that.
Just wanted to add that on.
And, I'll let you know what else is going on as I find out for sure.
Keep strong--for me.
Thanks for reading!
Good news--I think
First of all, the fact that I got in for dialysis today was good news, as I have my appointment with the surgeon tomorrow.
But second of all, I went through the whole treatment without a splitting headache afterwards. To me, that seems almost like a miracle, as I flew out of the house without taking Excedrin Migraine beforehand. So, the fact that I'm holding up this well is absolutely amazing. I feel slightly fragile, though, so I'll make this a short one.
Just wanted to keep my blog updated.
But second of all, I went through the whole treatment without a splitting headache afterwards. To me, that seems almost like a miracle, as I flew out of the house without taking Excedrin Migraine beforehand. So, the fact that I'm holding up this well is absolutely amazing. I feel slightly fragile, though, so I'll make this a short one.
Just wanted to keep my blog updated.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
This could be a lonnnnnnnnnng week...
Well, this is the week I have to try to switch my dialysis days.
You see, usually that's Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Anyone who's known anyone that was on hemodialysis is probably familiar with how that works.
My graft surgeon (yes, I'm going through with the pre-op appointment, even though I feel like chickening out of the surgery on the 28th) only sees people in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To me, that seems ridiculous, since I'm sure I'm not the only dialysis patient who's faced with having to switch my schedule around because of that.
The other thing is, I have something else going on this coming Saturday. So I really have my heart set on having my dialysis changed to Monday/Wednesday/Friday for this week--if only I can do that. And the following Sat., 24th, I'd like to switch that to Friday the 23rd.
Damn!! Too much schedule-changing. Oh, wait. Hang on a sec. WHEW! OK. Thank goodness I can still take my cat Tony to the vet on the 21st. I'm sooooooooooo tired of not being able to do other things without going all-out to change my schedule around. Geez!
On the upside, I may possibly have found a donor. It sure would be nice if that works out. I'll keep you posted. It would be verrrry nice if that works out so that I can get a transplant instead of going through with the graft thing. I'd truly NOT be looking forward to having two needles in my arm three days a week!
Thanks for reading! I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, hang in there for me! Love ya!
You see, usually that's Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Anyone who's known anyone that was on hemodialysis is probably familiar with how that works.
My graft surgeon (yes, I'm going through with the pre-op appointment, even though I feel like chickening out of the surgery on the 28th) only sees people in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To me, that seems ridiculous, since I'm sure I'm not the only dialysis patient who's faced with having to switch my schedule around because of that.
The other thing is, I have something else going on this coming Saturday. So I really have my heart set on having my dialysis changed to Monday/Wednesday/Friday for this week--if only I can do that. And the following Sat., 24th, I'd like to switch that to Friday the 23rd.
Damn!! Too much schedule-changing. Oh, wait. Hang on a sec. WHEW! OK. Thank goodness I can still take my cat Tony to the vet on the 21st. I'm sooooooooooo tired of not being able to do other things without going all-out to change my schedule around. Geez!
On the upside, I may possibly have found a donor. It sure would be nice if that works out. I'll keep you posted. It would be verrrry nice if that works out so that I can get a transplant instead of going through with the graft thing. I'd truly NOT be looking forward to having two needles in my arm three days a week!
Thanks for reading! I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, hang in there for me! Love ya!
Hang in there--with me--
I have a feeling I should try to provide a little inspiration, if I can.
And besides, let me prove that there's more to my life than dialysis & waiting for a transplant.
First of all, I know it's rough sometimes. Believe me, I've gone through times where I wanted to just quit dialysis and let myself die peacefully. I'm not considering it now, but that could change. In general, though, something must be keeping me going. Maybe it's the idea that tomorrow might possibly be better than today was (??). Actually, my weekend has been halfway decent. I had another dialysis treatment yesterday with no headache following. And I'm even feeling a little bit frisky still. But, I'm 38 years old and living with my parents (after 16 years on my own). And believe me, we're cramped. Thank goodness my room has a door; know what I mean? I'm getting fussy, though. I want very much to have more time alone than I have since I came back here from San Diego last year. Know something else?? I haven't been able to eat much in about 3 or 4 days. I wanted to lose a little weight, but I hadn't planned for my appetite to take a vacation without me. Still, I guess this is one way of losing a little weight...as long as I can get my appetite back before it's too late.
Let me give you one idea: if I can hang in there and not quit, so can you. Know how long it's been since I got any kind of a compliment for anything??? I think it was on my birthday; almost 7 months ago. Yes. It was.
Anyways, I'm right here if you need anything. Keep in touch.
I have to make this one a short one. I'm getting another slight headache; possibly from not eating in three days.
Love ya!
And besides, let me prove that there's more to my life than dialysis & waiting for a transplant.
First of all, I know it's rough sometimes. Believe me, I've gone through times where I wanted to just quit dialysis and let myself die peacefully. I'm not considering it now, but that could change. In general, though, something must be keeping me going. Maybe it's the idea that tomorrow might possibly be better than today was (??). Actually, my weekend has been halfway decent. I had another dialysis treatment yesterday with no headache following. And I'm even feeling a little bit frisky still. But, I'm 38 years old and living with my parents (after 16 years on my own). And believe me, we're cramped. Thank goodness my room has a door; know what I mean? I'm getting fussy, though. I want very much to have more time alone than I have since I came back here from San Diego last year. Know something else?? I haven't been able to eat much in about 3 or 4 days. I wanted to lose a little weight, but I hadn't planned for my appetite to take a vacation without me. Still, I guess this is one way of losing a little weight...as long as I can get my appetite back before it's too late.
Let me give you one idea: if I can hang in there and not quit, so can you. Know how long it's been since I got any kind of a compliment for anything??? I think it was on my birthday; almost 7 months ago. Yes. It was.
Anyways, I'm right here if you need anything. Keep in touch.
I have to make this one a short one. I'm getting another slight headache; possibly from not eating in three days.
Love ya!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill looking for a type A or type O kidney
2008 was the year from hell, if I can be completely honest about it.
I had infection after infection. The dialysis catheter would stop working. I had at least two catheters in the first six months--and I think three or four in the last half of the year. It gets old after a while.
In February of 2008, I tried to go back on Peritoneal dialysis, which I had been on before the nephrectomy. Didn't go too well at all. I had peritonitis before too very long at all. My first sign was a headache, dizziness and passing out. I'd heard about people passing out before, but that was my first taste of what it was actually like. Not good. It was kind of like falling asleep standing up, and when you come back to, you have to try to remember where you just were and how you got where you are when you come to. I could now act the part very well if I had to, as I've been there in real life. After a week in the hospital, the peritonitis still wasn't cleared up, and my blood pressure went back down faster than it had gone back up. (when I say "down", I mean, like, 44/33. I think that was one reading I got...and the triage nurse told me I was "not dead yet").
In May, the cause of the peritonitis was determined finally: a perforated ulcer. I had to have surgery to have my stomach put back together, as the ulcer had gone right through. And, I had to go back on hemodialysis. I don't mind that it gives me somewhere to go and something to do three days a week, but sometimes I have other things I would prefer to do on my "on" days--like visit with family. Then, it's nothing but a PAIN. And at least I don't have to be tied to the machine for 9 hours a night like on PD.
HOWEVER--I had six hospital stays during 2008--all of which were about a week long, and one of which caused me to lose a part-time position I had gotten as a secretary. That taught me to try to work during all this B.S.!!!! So here I am doing nothing again, and it's driving me f--ing nuts!!!!
So, as I was saying, it's been a hell of a year for me. Not able to work outside the home. Barely able to do more than laundry inside the home. And boy, have I ever been depressed this year!!! I have a project I am working on when I can bring myself to do it. I was going to send some adorable little Christmas presents out to everyone, with the message "Donate Life". But here it is, January 7, and I'm still working on it!!!
Oh, wait a sec. I was going to tell you about THE REST of my life too. The part I couldn't put in my bio. because there wasn't enough room.
OK then. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, but am beginning to miss California a lot, although I'm with family here. I have dabbled in music before; what almost seems like a previous life. At one time, I played the violin, the viola, and even the keyboard (sort of). I should've stuck to the viola. I could've made a career out of it. Oh well.
And, I have three wonderful cats. Tony, Jerry, and Muppet are the loves of my life. They're 7 years old, and have been mine since Day One. And I know that they want me to find a kidney donor sooner than later so that I'll be able to keep taking care of them and giving them quality time.
Thanks for reading again. Know what? I feel another headache coming on and must get some Excedrin. Hope I don't get hooked on Excedrin again!!
I had infection after infection. The dialysis catheter would stop working. I had at least two catheters in the first six months--and I think three or four in the last half of the year. It gets old after a while.
In February of 2008, I tried to go back on Peritoneal dialysis, which I had been on before the nephrectomy. Didn't go too well at all. I had peritonitis before too very long at all. My first sign was a headache, dizziness and passing out. I'd heard about people passing out before, but that was my first taste of what it was actually like. Not good. It was kind of like falling asleep standing up, and when you come back to, you have to try to remember where you just were and how you got where you are when you come to. I could now act the part very well if I had to, as I've been there in real life. After a week in the hospital, the peritonitis still wasn't cleared up, and my blood pressure went back down faster than it had gone back up. (when I say "down", I mean, like, 44/33. I think that was one reading I got...and the triage nurse told me I was "not dead yet").
In May, the cause of the peritonitis was determined finally: a perforated ulcer. I had to have surgery to have my stomach put back together, as the ulcer had gone right through. And, I had to go back on hemodialysis. I don't mind that it gives me somewhere to go and something to do three days a week, but sometimes I have other things I would prefer to do on my "on" days--like visit with family. Then, it's nothing but a PAIN. And at least I don't have to be tied to the machine for 9 hours a night like on PD.
HOWEVER--I had six hospital stays during 2008--all of which were about a week long, and one of which caused me to lose a part-time position I had gotten as a secretary. That taught me to try to work during all this B.S.!!!! So here I am doing nothing again, and it's driving me f--ing nuts!!!!
So, as I was saying, it's been a hell of a year for me. Not able to work outside the home. Barely able to do more than laundry inside the home. And boy, have I ever been depressed this year!!! I have a project I am working on when I can bring myself to do it. I was going to send some adorable little Christmas presents out to everyone, with the message "Donate Life". But here it is, January 7, and I'm still working on it!!!
Oh, wait a sec. I was going to tell you about THE REST of my life too. The part I couldn't put in my bio. because there wasn't enough room.
OK then. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, but am beginning to miss California a lot, although I'm with family here. I have dabbled in music before; what almost seems like a previous life. At one time, I played the violin, the viola, and even the keyboard (sort of). I should've stuck to the viola. I could've made a career out of it. Oh well.
And, I have three wonderful cats. Tony, Jerry, and Muppet are the loves of my life. They're 7 years old, and have been mine since Day One. And I know that they want me to find a kidney donor sooner than later so that I'll be able to keep taking care of them and giving them quality time.
Thanks for reading again. Know what? I feel another headache coming on and must get some Excedrin. Hope I don't get hooked on Excedrin again!!
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